My af journey started 2015 when thyroid prob started it off. Cardioversions didn’t help only lasting 1 mth. Was always in Af, never converted back to nsr without ablation. Had 2nd ablation Dec 2021, was on table for 6 hrs as they also dealt with a flutter they found. Have had a few times when hearts beaten fast or missed beat but only lasted couple mins. Only follow ups were by phone with nurse. In sept she said I would now be signed off as all seemed ok. Typically last night out of the blue( just watching tv) boom af back, hr high of 145, lasted 11 hrs just tried to sleep it off. Thankfully for the first time it reverted back on its own. Is this the start of the slippery slope to a 3rd ablation? Hoping it was because I had eaten a sml pkt of sour haribo. 🙄 sorry for long post.
can’t get complacent. 😏: My af journey... - Atrial Fibrillati...
can’t get complacent. 😏
Beware the Haribo…..I seem to recall you are second person this week who had AF following eating haribos so maybe check the ingredients list for nasties?
These days my AF is triggered by viral infections - there is a lot going around so that could be possible trigger?
Hope for the best and plan for the worst is my motto - could well be a one off, fingers crossed for you it is.
Thanks cdreamer, I didn’t realise someone else had done the same after haribo. 🤔will have to go back to watching my diet more carefully again & 🤞🏻
It's always worth it. Amazing how the digestive system can shout out to the heart. Hopefully this is a one off and not - as you say- an indication that ablation #3 might be needed. All you can do - as can any of us - is look after ourselves and enjoy all those days when we feel great.
I reckon you are right in highlighting complacency.
It is so easy to know the lifestyle changes necessary (eg diet) and then proceed to overlook them, particularly when things are going well.
Having been a victim of complacency I now regard my absent AF as a sleeping beastie it’s best not to poke with a stick . Observe those lifestyle amendments in the good times as well as the bad . It’s too high a price to pay for giving into the munchies