Had ablation for paroxysmal AF and Atrial flutter in january 2015 and gave been AF free since then. Occasional run if ectopics. Not taking meds only Apixiban. Then last week on morning of 40th wedding anniversary got up and in bath felt aggresive palpitations felt aweful had to go back to bed they calmed down but episide lasted for 5 hours . Had to cancel special celebration lunch with family. Since then ive had an episode of mixed ectopics and AF every day in evening lasting 2 to 4 hours. When i had it before ablation never had episodes every day! I do have Flecainide supply which i can take if i need to. Feeling really down. Will contact doctor tomorrow get referred back to cardiologist. Dies anyone ekle have similar experience of it coming back so suddenly like this.
Really fed up AF returned after 3 years - Atrial Fibrillati...
Really fed up AF returned after 3 years

So sorry to hear the nasty a fib has visited! Even worse on your anniversary, congratulations on your long marriage. Ive not had an ablation and Im on a 9 mo stretch with no a fib, if it knocks on my door again, I wont be happy about it either. A fib really is unpredictible, thats hard to recon with. Hoping yours was just a one time glitch!

Hi Hoski, is it medication that's keeping your AF under control now? Oooh, I want to go that long without AF too!
Thats a good question. I took daily flecainide and metoprolol since my last episode for about 6 mo, then wanted to stop the flecainide and only take as needed( pill in pocket). So havent had any flecainide in 3 months. Im on small dose of metoprolol more for blood pressure but it keeps my heart rate around 60 at rest. Ive made alot of life style changes over the last 3 yr, biggest was retiring fron stressful nursing career. My longest stretch of no a fib was 11 mo. I also wore a 30 day heart monitor( my request) after stopping meds to make sure I wasnt having any undetected a fib. There was none. Its just weird how a fib can be lurking in the shadows and suddenly pop up with no obvious invitation!!!

Yes, it is weird how it can suddenly come back. I keep thinking that surely there has to be a trigger!
How annoying for you Wendy and what a pain that it had to come back and spoil your 40th anniversary day, congratulations to you both.
AF is a law unto itself and can re-occur at any time after an ablation. I'm afraid it rarely cures AF forever. I've had three ablations and still have AF. Have you tried changing your diet to a more plant based, additive free one to see if that helps? I would say that doing that has helped me more than anything.
Yes, this happened to me twice, a 'run' of AF episodes which stopped after a while. I blamed it on an upset digestive system which I know is linked to my AF. What bad luck for this to start when it did, this is one of the main annoyances with AF, always seems to turn up when least wanted. I am now back on a low dose of Diltiazem, can't take anything else, and it seems to have settled. I've had a bronchial cold all over Christmas and expected AF to kick in but it hasn't. There's no sense to it 🤔