I had ablation 2 months ago for increasing incidence of paroxysmal SVT. I have a very low resting heart rate and low BP history, very stable after Aortic valve replacement 6 years ago.
Suddenly 6 weeks post ablation my BP's have been scary high and I've had associated dull headache, neck discomfort. At one point I went to ER for left sided numbness in hand and face & it was determined it was strictly hypertensive emergency, not neurological TIA or stroke.
What has happened to me? I feel it must be related to the ablation and have read a bit about Stiff left atrium etc, concerned it is collateral injury from ablation. Were trying tiny doses of ace inhibitor but still have some spikes greater than 200/100, the ongoing head discomfort and orthostatic issues some mornings till I can get better hydrated from overnight.
How can I get this, whatever it is, diagnosed and treated. I'm concerned this will be a chronic issue.