I was first diagnosed with af in January 2021 and have undergone 2 cardioversions and three ablations. It’s now 5 weeks since I had my third ablation which my EP described as an ‘extensive and prolonged’ procedure.
It’s taken me a lot longer to recover this time. I’ve been exhausted, nauseous and basically unable to function but I’ve been reassured that all my Kardia readings have been either NSR or, if I’ve been sitting for a while, Bradycardia. My heart rate is consistently between 44 and 62.
And then this morning, I suddenly had readings of ‘Possible Atrial Fibrillation’ and multiple triple beats. And I’m aware of a sort of ‘gripping’ sensation in my heart.
I know that I’m only 5 weeks into the blanking period and that these symptoms are cited as perfectly normal but I can’t help feeling deeply disappointed and worried that I may have to go through all this again.
Does anyone have any reassuring words of wisdom for me?