I have been taking dronedarone for 4 years for paroxysmal af. At first it worked very well but now I go into AF about once a week. My last annual check was 400 af episodes which was a shock as I was not aware of that many. I have a pacemaker as my heart rate was too slow . It has been fixed at 61. An AV node ablation has been mentioned. Are they successful?
Pianoplayer: I have been taking... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Successful at what? Successful at ensuring your heart rate is stable, yes because it is governed by the PM . Will it stop AF? No as that can continue in the left atrium though it won't affect heart rate as there will no longer be an electical connection but you may still feel it.
Has your cardiologist/EP indicated whether an AV node ablation would relieve symptoms or is it just about risk reduction?
I think you need to have this conversation and if necessary book a private consultation. I’ve no personal experience of this issue - I’m just a beginner with AF - but have been attending this forum for a year and my understanding is that pace and ablate has brought a lot of relief from the worst AF symptoms. Meanwhile plenty relaxation and a helpful diet and happy distractions!