Would I be considered for an ablation? - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Would I be considered for an ablation?

Dave1961 profile image
13 Replies

I started AF about 3 years ago and was a frequent visitor to A&E often having to stay in hospital for a couple of days. These attacks decreased as I learned to be more vigilant about my meds but my last AF event was about 6 months ago.

I am an AF'er who generally stays in rhythm with AF attacks happening maybe once a week and some of these leading to an A&E visit.

I was in hospital at least once every 3 months.

2 years ago my cardiologist was ready to ablate - I wasn't able to have it doneata that point due to circumstances beyond my control.

Since I started magnesium supplements about 3 months ago I have had two 10 minute flutters about a month ago and thats been it. The only change for has been supplements and I am quite confident thats made the difference.

I know it's not a cure of course but there has been a huge reduction in severity and length of attacks.

My AF's are often exercise induced and just half an hour of decent gardening would often result in an AF that night.

I have been exercising at a level where I am puffed and sweating most days in the last couple of weeks and no AF at all.

I guess my question is - if I am not AF'ing regularly and have not done so for 6 months would I still be considered a candidate for ablation?

TBH I am not quite sure what the criteria are apart from regular AF's.

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Dave1961 profile image
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13 Replies
bridget54 profile image

Dave I too only had AF attacks every so often. Sometimes 3 in a month other times not for a year. Im on flecainide but no supplements. No reason for these attacks but ALL of them have me hospitalized. I was in coronary care for 3 days last time one year ago. I was given an ablation 2 days ago !!!!

Dave1961 profile image
Dave1961 in reply to bridget54

How are you doing since the ablation?

bridget54 profile image
bridget54 in reply to Dave1961

I had ablation for SVT and PAF. The procedure went well im told took about 3 hours . Ive had a bit of chest pain since sedation wore off but I was told to expect this . Today is better than yesterday so hopefully itll be gone soon. Just taking it easy this week as instructed

BobD profile image

Dave from memory you are in Oz so we can't really help regarding criteria. In UK you need to have failed two drug regimes to be considered for NHS funded ablation but I don't know what the criteria are where you are. Maybe somebody there can help with info.



Dave1961 profile image
Dave1961 in reply to BobD

Thanks Bob - have a cardiologist appt on May 22nd so I am sure she will be able to give me some idea:)

Davesgirl profile image

Hi Dave1961, we've just returned from seeing the cardiologist who said the Amiodarone was what was keeping my husband's heart in sinus rhythm, not necessarily the magnesium and has been offered an ablation so that he can come off that drug. We asked if the dosage could be reduced as he hasn't had any AF since the beginning of January but he wouldn't hear of it.

Given that he spent six solid weeks in fast AF, I'm convinced the magnesium has played a huge part in his improvement. As we sat down, the first thing he said was 'so, you're still in AF then' . He told him he'd gone back into sinus rhythm on day six of Amiodarone.

i seem to remember that you are also on the same drug. The big question is...what would happen without Amiodarone as no-one can stay on this indefinitely.

Dave1961 profile image
Dave1961 in reply to Davesgirl

Good point. My cardiologist told me to go ff Amiodarone about 12 months ago with little discussion about the effects of this. I have to admit she is not great compared to my previous Cardio (in another state). I refused point blank considering how easily I was going into AF and we negotiated down to 100 mg from 200 mg. Exactly 3 weeks later I went into a BAD AF and was in hospital for several days. The cardio at the hospital put me straight back up to 200 mg.

After 3 months of intensive magnesium supplementation I have dropped down to 100 mg again.

This was what I agreed with my cardio 12 months go so I don't see it as being just a random decision on my part.

I can literally feel the difference being on the magnesium. I used to feel on the verge of an AF attack most of the time and this sensation has now completely disappeared, my pulse feels strong all the time instead of intermittently thready and I have not had a single AF attack (a couple of small flutters 6 weeks ago but nothing more) in almost 3 months. A record for me since I was diagnosed.

I have an appt with my cardio in 5 weeks so I decided it was a good time to drop the dosage all things considered and see what happens. My magnesium levels are now levelling out and I have reduced my magnesium to just above a maintenance dose.

Cross your fingers!

Rellim296 profile image
Rellim296 in reply to Dave1961

Very interesting. Keep us posted!

Davesgirl profile image
Davesgirl in reply to Dave1961

That's really interesting - before magnesium dropping to 100mg of Amiodarone you went into a bad AF episode, and after magnesium on 100mg only a couple of blips. Impressive, and valuable as evidence that magnesium has made a difference in your case.

Dave1961 profile image
Dave1961 in reply to Davesgirl

Not quite. I only dropped to 100 mg on Thursday - 3 months after starting the magnesium. But there are so many other improvements in my health already even if the AF's do return I have found definite benefits with magnesium.

And considering the amount of hospitalizations due to AF in the past 12 months compared to today I have already gotten great results with the magnesium.

Once you understand how many biochemical reactions magnesium is needed for, from stopping leg cramps to improving mood (my depression of decades is pretty much gone) to vast improvements in migraine patients you start to see how vital it is for our bodies.

Davesgirl profile image
Davesgirl in reply to Dave1961

I really value your posts Dave1961. Anecdotal evidence can only add to our general pool of knowledge. That's why these forums are so good. Do keep us informed of your progress.

jennydog profile image

One of the most difficult things about AF is describing what is happening and how you feel. I have what I described as weak AF with an irratic pulse post - ablation. It's nothing like the problem pre-ablation. I shall remember your phase "my pulse feels strong all the time not intermittently thready."

That's it, EXACTLY.

PeterWh profile image

And lest not forget that pain thresholds, feelings, etc, vary enormously from person to person and can also vary depending on which part of the body is affected.

It is also so difficult to describe.

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