After second ablation last few days, breathing problems terrible and have been on oxygen on and off. Meds been changed and have been told if doesn't settle a cardioversion will be carried out. I find this unreal. Has anybody had anything similar. Thank you
Second ablation and breathing problems - Atrial Fibrillati...
Second ablation and breathing problems

Are you not in NSR then? That might explain breathing problems if you are in AF or atrial tachycardia.
Thank you for replying. No, not in nsr. Meds been changed. Was told it would take a few weeks for heart to settle and if not a cardioversion would be carried out.

Better read this .
Thank you. Have read the leaflet. So it's not so unusual. Expecting a miracle I guess.
I think we are all hoping for that miracle Blueknight. Dont berate yourself. I'm on #5 and feel quite breathless on exertion. I get some chest pain and feel as if I'm walking through that old pot of treacle. Your guys will do the best they can for you but we have to really look out for our lovely hearts. Stress and anxiety can be prevalent at this stage too. 'Has it worked?' 'Is this right?' 'What's happening now?' I'm a stress head and I'm not saying it's easy to 'just' calm down, but we have to be really determined to make things right for us. That's why it's good to come on here to talk to others who have had a similar journey. But weigh it all up, none of us are the same but the general advice is pretty spot on
Be very gentle with yourself for as long as you need. Again not always easy with other responsibilities, but essential as our heart is kinda important.
And I know I have to practice what I preach 😉
Good luck to you and here's wishing you well 🌻
You are not alone, many think that having an ablation is like having an operation. Once the surgeon has done his stuff, add on a bit of recovery time and everything will be dunky dory!
Sadly, being a procedure, it’s not always quite like that, hence the so called blanking period whilst the scarred tissue heals thereby preventing the rogue impulses to get through which cause the arrhythmia. Things will improve, a cardioversion is not unusual to help the recovery process so try to be a patient patient, not something which comes easy to any of us!
I was really unwell following 2nd ablation. Was readmitted as dizzy, breathless and horrible chest pain. HR around 180, they couldn't get it below 140 even on cocktail of meds. It can take while for things to settle. Your hearts been through a bit of an ordeal.
Your heart should settle soon and all will be well. You've had a small operation or "procedure" and like all medical interventions, time is needed for the body to heal. With an ablation this is called the "blanking period", strangely so called, I gather, because the specialist "blanks" concern for any recurrences of rogue arrhythmias for the next few weeks. The evidence points to about 4-5 weeks for sufficient healing from the ablation to do its magic. Some sail through this - that's their luck. You aren't doing. That might even be a sign that yours will take better in the end.
Bad luck for now. It's frightening to have these kinds of side effects, I am sure, and the anxiety will make it seem much worse, but better times lie ahead, almost certainly.
I had a cryoablation last year for PAF and the surgeon caught the phrenic nerve stopping the right side of my diaphragm functioning, effectively losing the function of my right lung. It caused lots of breathing difficulty especially at night as I couldn't breath when lying on my left side as my right lung wouldn't fill. The nerve reconnected after a 3 or 4 months. Just wondered if the surgeon inadvertently damaged the nerve causing your breathing difficulties?
I had an ablation 9 days ago. My heart is all over the place. Lots and lots of palpitations and ectopics.
I haven’t got breathing problems but I feel the need to breathe in deeply sometimes, if that makes sense.
Like I need to catch my breath. I have a slight stitch like feeling in the left side of my chest and under my left shoulder blade.
I can cope with that, it’s the crazy heart beats I can’t cope with.
It’s good to hear people talking about the blanking period. So I guess what I’m experiencing is normal.
I just wish it would hurry up and settle down. I know it’s only been 9 days and I’m being very impatient. I just hate these horrible palpitations and flutters.
Worse at night in bed. Thus causing sleep deprivation.
It can take quite a while, hang on in there!
Thank you for your comment.
Palpitations started at 11:45pm last night and lasted (on n off) until 6:20am 😩
As you can imagine I’m feeling drained.
It’s odd as I had the same all night Thursday and then Friday night I had a great nights sleep. No palpitations or ectopics.
Then WHAM! Back with a vengeance last night.
Always when I get in bed. So it must be something to do with lying down.
Also the only trigger I can think of is, on both days I drank quite a lot of tea with sweeteners.
I know Jean commented about artificial sweeteners being a trigger for her tachycardia.
I’m going to cut out the tea today and see how I go tonight.
Have you tried propping yourself up in bed? And are you keeping hydrated and taking it easy?I was persistent AF for over a decade, nearly 20 years in AF, so when I had my ablations and went back into persistent AF after, it was no surprise and nothing I wasn't used to but I did experience more pronounced symptoms. Obviously, for you, these long spells are unsettling (and maybe unnusual) but your heart is healing from a big shock. It's a major procedure. As I said previously (sorry for repeat), 5 months after my third ablation I am now in NSR, first time in nearly 20 years. Well worth the wait! As I say, hang on in there, it's early days. 🌸
My partner suggested propping myself up. I haven’t tried that yet, but I’ll give it a go. I’ll give anything a go.
I’ll also drink more water during the day.
My usual palpitations are a continuous run of fast heart rate, lasting from 2 minutes to 10 minutes. Then back in NSR naturally.
The palpitations I’m getting now are very erratic and lasting a few seconds to a minute, stopping for a minute then starting again. This goes on for hours at a time. I’m not used to that.
I’m so emotional today. I guess I can’t go back to work like this. Especially if I’m not sleeping properly.
Thank you for your advice. You obviously know what you’re talking about from experience.
I will try my very best to be patient and give it time.
Have you tried propping yourself up in bed? And are you keeping hydrated and taking it easy?I was persistent AF for over a decade, nearly 20 years in AF, so when I had my ablations and went back into persistent AF after, it was no surprise and nothing I wasn't used to but I did experience more pronounced symptoms. Obviously, for you, these long spells are unsettling (and maybe unnusual) but your heart is healing from a big shock. It's a major procedure. 5 months after my third ablation I am now in NSR, first time in over 10 years. Well worth the wait! As I say, hang on in there, it's early days. 🌸
Goodness me, you only had the procedure 9 days ago. I think I took 4 weeks off after 3rd one. Please give yourself time to heal and allow yourself space to process. I was emotional after mine too and it would hit me unexpectedly at times. The lack of sleep definitely will impact the heart and will make you emotional too. Get that sorted before considering going back to work. Rest, rest and more rest. 🌸