I hope you are all wellMy question :
Has anyone experienced episodic "quivering" sensations that are very brief, 10 seconds or so? I've had something similar before, several years ago and wore a Zio patch for 2 weeks but never picked up any A-fib only PACs and PVCs.
I am now 67 year old dx with paroxsymal A fib since 2012, no past history of ablation or cardioversions. Only on Metoprolol, a beta blocker 50 mg bid . Had one craxy epidode of flutter and was started on flecanide 2013. Stopped Flecanide 2020 as it was triggering concerning arrhythmia patterns .
I recently began experiencing the"sensations" again, sometimes 2-3times/day(not every day). They are NOT associated with exertion or symptoms . Just had one the last hour that seemed slightly longer maybe 20 seconds which was a bit unsettling . They don't feel like the flopping fish on a deck feeling I had with A flutter.
I think these are most likely ectopic or premature beats. The episodes are very brief, so too quick to capture on my Kardia.
Always ib sinus rhythm when I check but the sensation was so fleeting.
Of note , lately I have been a lot more caffeinated (double my usual ) and it does seem related, mostly when I am having an afternoon tea or particularly if I've indulged in a cup of coffee.
Meanwhile, I would love to hear from from the forum group and will go back to just herbal teas and nix the hot cocoa too🤣
Pretty sure I'll be investing in an Apple Watch.