Despite playing by the book and doing everything I could, I’ve been back in persistent AFib for 4 days since my ablation two and a half weeks ago. The arrhythmia team had me in for an ECT today and are arranging an appointment for a cardioversion possibly this Saturday. Just wondering if anyone else has had a CV so soon after ablation and if so was it successful? Thank you for all of your patience and support!
cardioversion within 3 weeks of ablat... - Atrial Fibrillati...
cardioversion within 3 weeks of ablation?

Don't despair I was in a similar situation around 4 weeks after my third ablation. It was still my most successful one.
No personal experience, but it seems like a reasonable next step. Are they combining the cardioversion with a daily anti arrhythmic like Amiodarone or Flecainide.? This is often temporarily done to give the cardioversion a better chance of working. Hopefully, as you begin to heal and the inflammation subsides, you will be able to hold NSR on your own.
Thanks Jim. I’m not on any anti arrhythmic medication now, but was on amiodorone for the weeks leading up to CV two. It didn’t make a jot of difference and if anything I went back into AF quicker than the first one, so I assume that’s why it hasn’t been suggested. I’m not sure Flecainide is useful with persistent Afib? I was told I can go back on digoxin today which is a huge relief - slows my heart rate while strengthening the beat! (More energy, less breathless on hills). And it doesn’t reduce the blood pressure. I have to stop taking it though the day before the CV.
I don't see why Flecainide would be contraindicated for persistent afib, although it does have stricter qualifying criteria than Amiodarone, but it does sound like your EP is trying.
I have no experience of ablations yet, but sure the CV is the right move. On the Flec front, I am in persistent AF, tried Flecainide since Feb of this year, failed CV in June, cardiologist took me off it last week as said it (after 24 hr ECG) was doing nothing for my rhythm, but everyone is different, and I haven't had an ablation, so circumstances are different.
Fingers crossed it works for you 👍

Not uncommon. I think two of my three ablations we did that. Fine afterwards.
I wasn’t back in af that fast but I did have plenty of hiccups until finally went into af about 10 weeks after. Try not to worry too much about it and just let your heart heal. It will get better 💪
It’s even mentioned in Dr Sanjay Gupta’s video featured in Silky’s post a few days ago
Oh noooo, I had my CVs x 2 before Ablation but perhaps it could work in conjunction with that healing - very early days, chin up & keep playing by the soldiering on book 🤗
Good luck, hope it does the trick.
Thanks flapjack I found it online 😊
hope it settles down for you. Good luck
I had a cardioversion a couple of days after ablation 2 because I was stuck in very high HR. Didn't work (digoxin brought it down a bit eventually) but ablation 3, a few months later, brought success 5 months afterwards. Was worth the wait and the the efforts!
I'm surprised you were taken off flecanide so soon after the ablation. Fingers crossed CV restarts nsr for you xxx
Thanks Wilsond - I was taken off digoxin, I was never on flecanide. Digoxin isn’t an anti arrhythmic drug as far as I know but reduces HR and makes the beat stronger.
Hi Rainfern,
When I went in for my Cryo-ablation in June 22 I was in persistent AF at that time, They did the cryo-ablation under light sedation whilst I was in AF and then put me right under to do a cardioversion to put me back into NSR. So my CV was immediately after the ablation.
If your EP thinks a CV soon after an ablation is OK then I would go for it.
Good Luck!
From what I have gathered on this forum that is not too unusual with some needing a cardioversion sooner. I even seem to remember someone said they had a cardioversion the next day. Hope all goes well.
I was cardioverted less than two weeks after my first (cryo) ablation. And yes, it worked very well -- I hope the same goes for you too.
I had a cardioversion only 3 days after my ablation, and it worked. That was August, 2022. The ablation was for afib. The cardioversion was for a-flutter. My heart stayed in NSR for a year afterwards.
After a year, I needed another cardioversion (September, 2023), which didn't quite take, so it was followed a month later (October, 2023) by another cardioversion, which so far has worked out fine. I'm in NSR and feel pretty good.
Anyway, a cardioversion soon after my ablation was the right course, and in my understanding not especially unusual.
I don't know where all this is going. I understand that cardioversions are not cures and afib often reverts. The next step would be a second ablation (with somewhere around a 90% success rate--a first ablation is 50-50) and a Watchman implant. We'll see....