has anyone had covid recently and what were your symptoms, did it affect your AFIB at all, I am interested to know what other people’s experience have been.
covid: has anyone had covid recently... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Had it in May just after my spring booster.A bit of a non event actually as my wife (no booster) was much worse than I was. Just a bad cold for a day or two but she had quite a bad chest (ex smoker).
have had it twice. First time I must have caught it just before I had my third covid jab( October 22). I was actually very poorly ending up on antibiotics for secondary infection. My recently ablated AF did not raise its head. I then had it again over Christmas but so mildly I didn’t even do a test as everyone else in the house had what I thought was the same virus. I did a test in the end only because I was going to meet someone who was very vulnerable and it was positive but clearly on the way out as the line was faint and non existent at the end of the next day. I guess it was so mild as I had good protection from the previous infection and the covid jab. Still no AF.
I recently had a mild respiratory infection which was definitely NOT covid but it triggered both AF and tachycardia. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason! X
Had it 4 weeks ago, second time but this version was SO much milder and symptoms nothing like the first time - September/October 21. Slight itchy, sore throat, mild fatigue (not disabling like the first dose) congestion which turned into chest infection but I was left with scarring on lung after the first dose so not surprising. Had 24 hours of feeling a bit weak, had antibiotics for the chest infection and was up and about the house within another 48 hours. I tested positive for another 10 days so stayed in isolation until day 12 but was feeling well. Important to note that I am immune suppressed so always take a while to clear infections.
I have had 6 vaccines (last was 12 months ago) and I am not having any more for various reasons but as I don’t want to get into an argument or discussion about this I will not expand on reasons and believe everyone needs to now make up their own mind on vacs.
I read up on the hospitalisation rate for this variant and they are very low although experience of family in London is that can leave you with a cough for a few weeks. I am taking VitD, VitC & Zinc supplements and just being really careful with hand hygiene as I believe the biggest transmitter is travel through major hubs such as airports, ports, train and subway and how we caught it. I now wear gloves in any public place and try avoid crowds and wear mask if I have to go into any enclosed space with a lot of people and use nasal sprays as prophylactic.
PS: - Had a lot of AF with first infection but only one mild episode for about 10 hours when I first started having symptoms, nothing since.
Hello, it’s day 3 for me and I feel awful, headache, shivering, sweats, sore throat and cough, my chest is sore. I agree about the vaccine, I will not touch any more of it, had two and I understand about the debate on as not every one thinks the same. I have asthma so am worried but I’m on a homeopathic remedy that cleared a cough I had had for four years that I could not clear with anything from the doctors and it cleared it with in 3 months so I’m trying that as it’s given to people who have covid as well.
Yes. On day 5 of covid I ended up in fast AF - tanking along at anything up to 190bpm. Paramedics arrived and as I had mild cardiac pain gave me a nitroglycerin tablet, which after 5 minutes or so dropped my heart rate to 50 and falling. Blue lighted to hospital resus and the dosed me with bisoprolol after my hr rose dramatically again. Lots of blood tests later I am awaiting cardiologist report and hopefully will be allowed back home. I have dreaded getting covid as I was convinced that AF sufferers would be affected in some way, and boy, was I right!
We had Covid in March and we've had worse colds. I have had a total of 6 vaccinations then and will be having the 7th next Friday. The day after my wife tested negative for Covid - she tested positive for a total of 18 days (!) she got labyrinthitis which can be a part of Long Covid. It was controlled with medication and she still has some left to take when it re-appears. I think she has had it a couple of times since the latest being when we had a bad chest infection a couple of weeks ago. Other than that it was just fatigue and foggy brain after Covid. The fatigue is pretty much on going though getting better.