so I’ve had 2 ablations in last 2 years
The last one was in Augustv2022
I remained in full AF for the next 6 months
Since the last ablation I lost 2 stone
March this year the AF went into part time AF
since March I’ve had 2 or 3 episodes lasting 6 hours max .
I currently take Rivaoxiban and 2.5mg of bisop per day
I’ve now been offered 3rd ablation
should I take it or leave it in the bank for if I get worse again in future ?
I would love to be off all meds but would this procedure do that or are 6 hour episodes every couple of months a good result and not worth trying to improve ?
Apple Watch AF report always states 2% per week but I’m not sure it’s even possible to get 0% off the report is it ?
Thanks in advance