Looking for some advice. I've been on varying doses of Bisoprolol for 2 years now, hate the stuff, feel lethargic and foggy headed and seem unable to lose weight, despite the fact I keep the dose as low as I can. The arrhythmia nurse did try changing it to verapamil and that led to the only AF episode that's taken me to A&E . The Dr has been doing the blood test for heart failure I'm hoping there will be a phone call if there is anything I need to know as I can't get an appointment until the 30th Sept. I contacted the arrhythmia nurse for suggestions she has said she will ask the registrar about flecanide as I experience a lot of flutters, more than AF episodes. Alongside a very low dose of bisoprolol. What are peoples experiences? I've also had amytriptiline for about 8 months for nerve pain and actually felt I had less flutters and AF with the flutters increasing as I try and wean myself off, it was only 10mg. GP said it couldn't be helping but I wondered if anyone else finds the same? Sorry for long post
Bisoprolol/flecanide/amytriptiline - Atrial Fibrillati...

Diltiazem is often substituted for beta blockers like bisoprolol. Many of us, including myself, tolerate it a lot better. Something to discuss with you medical team.
I've been on Bisoprolol for around two years now 2.5mg/day in addition to 100mg flecainide/day. I have PAF which kicked in two years ago, previous i had two ablations 16 years before that and had been untroubled with AF until 2 years ago !!! No idea the trigger.
I felt pretty tired and lethargic for the first two months on Bisprolol but ok now, and have increased weight (several Kg) which just doesn't shift no matter what i do !! Fortunately I am still able to enjoy good exercise without any trouble, although the AF does return now and again for a couple days. As with most of these AF , each person is very different how each drug affects them in so many ways and the diagnosis of the conditions are also varied and complex. Sorry its not much more help, just sharing my own experience.
That does help, especially the part about the weight that won't shift! It's a vicious circle for me, struggle to find the energy to exercise much and struggle to lose the weight both of which I know would help the afib even if just my mindset is improved, I'm not vastly overweight , 1st probably. This AF is a pain in the rear isn't ut
Me too I put on weight I can’t shift….
That's the annoying bit I have great intentions to improve my AF with diet and lifestyle would prefer that to meds and then get disheartened with no weight loss and low energy levels, so frustrating....
Check the above link. Amytriptiline is an antidepressant but is also prescribed for pain and insomnia. Guess would be it relaxes you, results in better sleep, and is better for afib in that manner. Check the side effects.
It was prescribed to me for insomnia but I chose not to take it. Talk to the doctor about its benefits for your stress and worry about afib.
I got prescribed that for Neuropathy i used it for about 6 weeks and it did nothing for me..
Hasn't done anything for the pain, hence why I was going to stop it but it does seem to calm the AF and flutters although GP says its far too small a dose to be treating anxiety so maybe uts just coincidence
Thank you
Glad to hear I am not the only one who don’t feel right and if I take another one I spen d the time getting worse and don’t get out. ..I am afraid not to give you good news! How long have u taken BP
Taken it 2 years now, started on 10mg which made me comatose try and take 2.5 now but if I'm having a few bad days I take another 1.5 in the morning. They are talking about adding flecanide but want me to do an exercise test because I'm over 65 but have now said take the small amount of amytriptiline I'm taking if I feel it'd helping which for some unknown reason it seems to.