I had a 2nd successful cardioversion 5 days ago, and the arrhythmia nurse told me to reduce my dose of bisoprolol immediately from 7.5mg to 5mg as my heart rate was around 50bpm. However, unless I maintain NSR for 6 weeks after the cardioversion, they won't offer another one, so I'm reluctant to reduce my dose before then - in case it might set me back into AF and I'd lose the opportunity for another cardio. I feel better in NSR.
After my 1st cardioversion in 2020, the cardiologist kept me on 10mg bisoprolol for more than 2 years, despite my pulse often being as low as 44, so staying on 7.5mg for a few weeks doesn't seem unreasonable, but I was still a bit dozy from the anaesthetic when she mentioned it to me.
When my dose was reduced to 5mg before, I started getting a lot of ectopics, and the dose was raised back up to 6.25mg.
Any thoughts welcomed.