I had the loveliest day yesterday, no hint of a-fib, lots of walking, not tired at all. Then at bedtime, when I prepare pills for the next day, I discovered I'd forgotten to take all my meds. Today, I took them as usual, went into a-fib, exercised my way out of it, still feel very tired. Tomorrow I'm going to try reduced doses, especially of the beta-blockers, see how that goes. The main problem is probably prednisone which I take for lupus, and which is pretty much like taking cortisol. I'm not sure what to do about it because I have auto-immune hemolytic anemia, which also makes me tired. I realize this is the wrong forum to ask about prednisone. Hard to choose between anemia and a-fib, but I lean towards anemia, since I can't take apixaban.
Drugs make it worse?: I had the... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Drugs make it worse?

Sorry I know nothing about Prednisone but I do know it's a serious drug. I'm guessing the full effects last longer so missing a day you still had some in your system. You really need to explain this to your doctor and discuss whether a lower dose would help. Apixaban is an anti coagulant so wouldn't alter your heart rate but it reduces strokes by lowering the clotting rate.
Hi, thanks for your answer waveylines. ( like that name). I took half a dose of prednisone, just 1.5 mg, and no beta-blockers today, and I'm tired and low appetite and my bp is about 90/60 and my pulse is under 60. I guess low dose prednisone is more powerful than beta-blockers, or the beta blocker is not effective any more. I think a doctor consult is in order.
Reducing beta blockers suddenly can have serious effects, reduction needs to be done in a slow, controlled process. I believe steroids are similar. Let us know how you get on with the consultation.
Please don't do this without medical advice as I did, I reduced to half then stopped altogether one of mine, now I'm in heart failure with 45% of my heart not working, sent into permanent A/F and now struggling to regain my former health and all because I was thinking that I could live without them!!!! Please learn from my mistake. If you don't like the drug you are on then see your cardio for a change of drug as another may suit you better.
Sorry to hear about the heart problem due to your stopping the drug. How quickly did you stop taking it… I assume the beta blocker
I lost 5stone in weight, felt really good and 'decided' it was time to cut back on my drugs. I was taking Bisoporal and Disopyramide, been on the latter for 20 years!!! I halved the dose first for several weeks then came off altogether, guess several months later, it has to be a guess because I didn't realise I had then tipped over into permanent A/F but the signals were breathlessness, dizzy and a cough. This all was investigated over a 12 months period but not once did they check my heart. I had brain scans, chest X-rays and so on then eventually a nurse practitioner specialist got to the root of it and since then I'm back on Disopyramide and the dosage of Bisoporal increased from 2.5. to 10.0 MG plus also have to take a water tablet due to fluid build up, so all in all, got myself in a real mess so hoping people will learn from my mistake, I know I have!
I don't know if this has any bearing at all, but I thought I may as well mention it,. I take 1.25mg of Biso per day for my PAF plus Eliquis and recently developed a chest infection for which the doctor prescribed Prednisone. I took 5 small tablets once per day for 5 days, and they had no effect other than help clear up my chest, at all. I might add it's a favourite among Vets for dogs !!!!!!
According to Dr. Google Prednisone needs an enzyme in the liver to turn it into Prednisolone. I've been prescribed Prednisolone for two different illnesses. As I understand it, it is an artificial adrenal steroid. For bad asthma I normally have a course of 40mg a day for 5 or 7 days. It helps breathing. If I also have an infection I also take an antibiotic. I've also taken Prednisolone long-term to relieve the effects of Polymyalgia Rheumatica, an auto-immune condition where the body thinks it's being attacked so it inflames your muscles. In that case I took a slowly reducing amount during nearly four years, starting at about 20mg a day down to none . Fortunately my GP recognised that I knew my body better than him, so I could reduce at my own rate, following the recommended Dead Slow method. This decrees for Polymyalgia Rheumatica that to get from 3mg to 2.5mg, in the first week you take 3mg for 6 days and one day at 2.5mg . You continue on that dose until your body feels it's accepted it, and then take 5 days at 3 and 2,5 properly spaced apart,for 2 days, and di that for as long as your body accepting it, and then have 4 days at 3 and 3 days at 2.5, and so on.
I have no medical qualifications, only experience of taking prednisolone for 2 different conditions.
I wouldn't alter the dose without consulting my own doctor.
what other drugs are you on? Certainly worth discussing options with your Drs. I recently stopped Flecainide with my consultants blessing and feel so much better! healthunlocked.com/afassoci...
Please do not mess with your prednisone or other drugs without medical help. If you have been on prednisone for a long time your adrenals "forget" to produce any (production is suppressed) and this can cause all sorts of problems, like low blood pressure and feeling poorly. If you develop an infection your dose may need to be increased as your own "production line" may not respond as it should