Has anyone had a high potassium count and have you been told this can contribute to your Afib. How is it being managed?
Potassium : Has anyone had a high... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Sorry, just heard of a low potassium count contributing to triggering AF with possible solution of eating a banana a day.
Hi secondtry, ive ate a banana a day [until 3 weeks ago] and it never had any bearing on my afib, ive learned of late that bananas are actually quite low in potassium, so opting for kiwis instead, which apparently are much higher in potassium.
I've been eating a banana a day for years but tested low for potassium a couple of times. Now, I'm on prescription Potassium Chloride 10MEQ 3 x a week and 20MEQ 3 times a week, none on sunday. The tablets made me sick but now I take capsules that a easier to deal with and take them after food. I think potatoes have more K than bananas. I have physical in about ten days so I'll see how the blood work comes out.
I had a high potassium count and doctor said they would monitor it. It can cause heart problems. Thankfully mine went back to normal by itself.
Ask your doctor for more tests and advice. I think drinking more water and there are meds if it is serious.
Thanks..I just had my 2nd blood test a month apart. I’m still at the same level, I drink lots of water( urine is clear) and I don’t each excess food with high potassium so it’s a mystery.
Thank you! No vitamins🤷♀️
Are you taking any medication? Beta blockers such as Bisoprolol can increase potassium - it did mine, but I was still in range (just a thought).
Ah, it’s not that then. I suppose you will have to try process of elimination and try and work out if anything you do now has changed recently to what you used to do.
Hopefully your Dr will have some sort of plan for you.
High potassium is as bad as low.Im on beta blockers and get PAF and tachycardia about once a fortnight so looking for answers as to triggers.Ive been eating a lot of bananas and avocado.No one said my blood tests were abnormal but was told Sotalol can affect electrolytes.So not sure if Ive had too much potassium? I was in A&E with heart rate 150bpm as had chest infection.They just hydrated me and gave me more antib
My husband often has high potassium due to his meds. Under medical supervision he stops certain until it's back to normal levels & then the meds are gradually reintroduced.
However, you can get false high readings if you make a fist when your blood is being taken, this does something to your bloods that cause your potassium to be high. Also, if the blood has been standing too long before being tested or the way it's transported to the lab can also cause false high reasons.
High potassium can cause heart rhythm problems but my understanding is it would have to be consistently high for a period of time. If your level was worryingly high you would immediately be sent to hospital for treatment.