Hi, I have got PAF & it has been under control with meds for about 18 months. However I've just had an episode lasting 20 hours with an HR of 130. I'm in Spain & all i can put it down to is: two cups of caffeinated coffee (which is rare for me), or the stress of having to do a wedding speech?! What do you think? It shocked me because i had gone for so long with only occasional brief flutters & an HR always in the 50s. Thanks!
PAF episode due to caffeine or stress? - Atrial Fibrillati...
PAF episode due to caffeine or stress?

A combination of both is a good bet plus perhaps some dehydration if it is hot currently in Spain. Was alcohol involved in the mix too. Hope you feel better very soon and your day wasnt totally ruined being a wedding day too. Look after yourself be careful with yourself so things can settle down.
PAF loves to rear its head from time to time just to show us we need to take care of ourselves, try not to let it spook you just be mindful to take care.
Hi Bowie88,
I totally agree with Meadfoot, it sounds like it was a combination of the two, but at least you know what things can trigger it. I can also go a long time between episodes with medication and when it does happen, it’s annoying and frustrating. It must be more frustrating for you that you’re at this occasion in another country, which added to your pressure. I take it that you don’t have a PIP regime on top of your meds that could have stopped it faster though? If you don’t, it might be worth talking to a consultant about that when you get the chance.
Valsalva manoeuvres work for me and stopped my last one, but you have to be careful with those.
Some people do wait it out though.
Take care and try and enjoy the rest of the stay abd stay hydrated 😊

Probably plus dehydration no doubt. A HR of 130 whilst unpleasant won't kill you as my EP once told me. I once spent a holiday in France at that rate though contacted my arrhythmia nurse who arranged a cardioversion on my return.
Obviously is you have any fainting/dizzy spells or chest pain then seek medical attention.
Thank you for your lovely replies and support. I forgot to say that I had just (5 days before) finished a weeks' course of high-dose steroids (prednisolone) for an ear/hearing problem. Maybe that had something to do with it? !
My theory for many of us 'ordinary AFers' is that episodes are caused by a build up of several factors not just one cause such as the case with extreme athletes. You therefore have to be a goody goody all round and then slowly reintroduce your suspect preferences (eg donuts 😂) once you have been AF free for a year or two.
If you have been unable to avoid something (eg your steroids ) then double down on other precautions.
The above is based on my own experience only and reading this Forum for many years.