Hello, has anyone ever been to a Gong Bath or Sound Bath (where the play gongs and crystal bowls at different sound frequencies)? If so has anyone had and negative or positive experiences? Thanks
Afib & Gong Bath: Hello, has anyone... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Afib & Gong Bath
If it appeals to you, just do it. I can’t see how it could be harmful in any way. If it relaxes you, de-stresses you and you enjoy it or find it moves in some way, then it has the potential to boost your overall wellbeing. I wouldn’t go so far as saying it’s a treatment for any sort of physical illness, but reducing stress and experiencing relaxation will put your body into a relax and repair mode by activating the parasympathetic nervous system which COULD help physical illness indirectly. Not cure or treat, but help manage things. So if it appeals to you, you’ve got nothing to lose. Even if it’s just a nice day out at the very minimum.
Thank you for your reply. Yes, I’d hoped it would relax me. I got worried in case the vibrations might make my heart worse! I ended up cancelling but will do some more research and perhaps go another time when I’m feeling braver. Thanks x
I guess it is a case of try and see but I know for me it would most probably be a no no. I am quite sensitive to vibrations. I haven’t tried gong or sound bath but know without trying it would send my tinnitus of the scale. A lot of people do find it helpful so maybe try and see. Could you call whoever was leading the group and ask if they know? As Autumn leaves said, if nothing else it would be a nice day out.
I go to sound baths frequently, very enjoyable and relaxing so as a de stressor it’s great. Can’t see how it can be of any harm to the heart at all!
Not been but have attended loud drum performances and walked away no AF just an uncomfortable feeling that the rhythm was counter productive 🤔.
hi, I go once a month to a crystal sound bath and gong therapy session. It neither improves my afib or makes it worse. I love it and it’s a great way to de-stress.
I was a sound therapist some years ago. It is a while since I practised but I do go to sound events when I can and I listen on line. You would need to check with the person doing the gong bath what they say about medical conditions. I have not noticed anything adverse re AF but I am asymptomatic. Most people find it a great experience although some people don’t like the sounds.
Yes I went to one and mainly enjoyed it. I did however find some of the louder gong sounds uncomfortable though.
I’ve been to a great number of gong baths over the years. Always found them a deeply relaxing experience. Go for it. You most certainly will enjoy it.
yes , I have , no negative experience . I found it very relaxing . Enjoy !
Yes. I attend gong bath sessions and also listen to Jim Donovan vagus reset sound recordings. Deeply relaxing and I certainly sleep better, but sad to say it’s done nothing to improve my PAF. It certainly can’t do any harm.
I have a crystal bowl that vibrates at the same wavelength of the heart which I play frequently. F for all the musically inclined people. Which is supposed to be the same frequency of the heart chakra. So yes, don’t be afraid of it. It can be very calming.