Afib and possibly perimenopause - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Afib and possibly perimenopause

Flo2pen profile image
8 Replies

Hello I am 46 years with congestive heart failure and DVT - currently on xarelto 20mg and propeferone 225mg 3* daily. I have been in and out of Afluttering recently (happening more often than before) and I cant get my cardiologist or EP to tell my why this is happening. they upped my propeferone to 325mg 3*daily. (whoa...) Had 4 Ablations in the past not successful and is getting palpitations on the regular?? I am convinced my hormones may be causing the palpitations. Does this sound normal anyone? Is anyone experiencing these palpitation issues? and any home remedies on how to handle the palpitations when they come?? Please help. thank you

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Flo2pen profile image
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8 Replies
etheral profile image

Propeferone is contraindicated in CHF according to medscape. It can cause ventricular as well as atrial arrythmias. Google it and read the Medscape articles and then discuss this with your doctor.

NooNoo14 profile image

Hi. I am so sorry you are struggling. As if your peri-menopause symptoms wouldn't be enough to deal with!

I ave no personal experience of what you are going though as my AFib didn't really start until I was well into the menopause. Hopefully someone on here will be able to support you with their experiences.


rvotvtlady profile image

I have two ablations for vt. The second one seems to have worked. My arrhythmia started when I was 46 but I am not sure whether it was peri menopause or over exercise. I did mention to a doctor at one point but she said she thought the pathway would have to be there to start with. I still get ectopics. They are only occasional and I mainly notice them in bed sometimes or if I have had a drink aggravates them. However I think palpitations have been linked with peri menopause. Sorry, probably not much help but hope things improve for you xx

Kellyjelly profile image

My menstrual cycle has always been one of my triggers, with episodes being much more likely when I’m ovulating or just before my period. My symptoms have taken a turn for the worse in the last few years I’m 46 and I have started to feel the tell tale signs of peri menopause like night sweats etc. In December I had the worst SVT, AFIB, AFLUTTER episode I’ve ever had and coincidentally I missed a period for the first time too that month. Ive recently had a successful ablation but I still feel like my heart is super sensitive in conjunction with my cycle. So it is a resounding yes from me, I don’t think that my hormones impact my palpitations I know for certain they do. I have mentioned it over and over to doctors and cardiologists but they just won’t accept it. A few years ago I mentioned it to a ward sister on a cardiac ward and she said “ oh god yes! women talk about it a lot, they can definitely be linked, doctors don’t accept it though.”

Hope this helps and I’m sorry you are having such a tough time and I wish you all the best 😊

Flo2pen profile image
Flo2pen in reply to Kellyjelly

Hello Kellyjelly wow... you are having somewhat of the same symptoms as me and whats worse am getting the same pushback from my EP and Cardiologist as you were. they upped my propeferone and not give me any kind of explanation on how to handle these palpitations. about a week or so before my cycle starts the palpitations, Afib, Aflutter, hot flash (night sweats - am changing 2 nightshirts in one night) all come thru. sometimes i dont know whether am going or coming. then after my cycle i feel somewhat back to normal. I wish there is something more I can do to help with these changes. Thank you so much for responding

Auriculaire profile image

Doctors don't accept it because there is very little known about female physiology, how it differs from male,how hormones affect us other than in our sexual organs . The male body is standard for medicine. On the whole medicine treats us poorly. We are dismissed as hysterics , our experiece of our own bodies is ignored , we are given drugs that we react to differently than men then told our reactions are in our heads. We are more likely to die of heart attacks than men because our symptoms are dismissed as panic attacks.It stinks.

docmar profile image

Hi, my AF started when I was in the perimenopause. GPs didn't believe, but in discussion with my then cardiologist I mentioned hormonal influences and he was of the firm opinion that yese, hormones play a big part. he hoped once I was through the menopause things would quieten down (unfortunately not the case). I was able to show GPs the effect by plotting out frequency of attacks against my menstrual cycle (BP followed the same pattern).

So yes you're right. Good luck for the future and hope you find a way to manage the palpitations.

bibibrock profile image

Hi, your hormone levels are very likely playing a part in you getting palpitations. When I went through peri-menopause, I suffered a lot from palpitations and bio-identical hormone replacement therapy has helped considerably (but not got rid of them entirely). I also take magnesium in the form of Re-mag, which is a liquid magnesium supplement that does not cause gastric problems like many tablets do when taken in larger doses. And larger doses are what I need to keep my palpitations down as much as possible. The effective dose will vary from person to person, and you can gradually build up to a level where you can feel the difference. Magnesium also helps with stress, which is something that definitely makes palpitations worse and can also cause them in the first place.

About the prescriptions you are taking I know nothing, so you would have to clear anything new you want to try with your doctor first. Best of luck!

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