good morning: Good morning you lovely... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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good morning

babssugar profile image
94 Replies

Good morning you lovely people

Has anyone had there AF kick off while in bed and suddenly you just turn over and boom there it is pounding away !

It’s the first time this has happened to me while being asleep , I know I was on my tummy when I fell asleep , then just made a quick turn over to my side

Hugs babs 😀

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babssugar profile image
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94 Replies
stoneyrosed profile image

Yes unfortunately AF can strike at any time, it can be so random. After digesting food is a common one, lying on your left hand side too. Quick sudden movements like bending down to pick something up and standing up quickly. Not sure if you’re on meds or not but it could be time to have another chat with your GP especially if this is occurring more often.

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to stoneyrosed

hi stoneyrosed

I’m on meds bisoprolol and appixeban and statins , but this is the first time while in bed it’s happened 😊

Thank you for your reply

Have a lovely day

stoneyrosed profile image
stoneyrosed in reply to babssugar

You will recognise all the triggers for AF in time, I’m not sure bisoprolol alone can prevent AF occurring, as your doc spoke to you about flecanaide ? This prevents AF for a lot of people including myself until I eventually had an ablation. Just a couple of things to consider to help perhaps. You have a great day too. 🌞

wilsond profile image

Yes ,quite often xx

Jalia profile image

Oh yes! This has happened to me countless times. The last time was about 5 months ago on a Saturday night. I sat it out at home until Tuesday am .....admitted to CCU fir 2 nights and then dccv. Also happens when I've been sat quietly minding my own business reading .

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Jalia

thank you for your reply x

This will probably get me kicked out of the forum but please take it in the spirit meant. I’m on holiday in Portugal and for a moment, I thought I had mistakenly opened some raunchy Portuguese webpage!! 😳

But to be more serious, AF can occur anywhere and sometimes it’s impossible to establish the reasons why. It could be dream related but difficult to say, hope it settles soon…….

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to

thank u 😀

Jalia profile image
Jalia in reply to

Your mind FJ....I really didn't know what you meant until I re read the post 🤭

in reply to Jalia

there speaks a true lady 👍

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Jalia

I've read thepost 3 times and still don't get it!

Jalia profile image
Jalia in reply to Auriculaire

You obviously have a very clean, uncorrupted mind Auriculaire! 😇

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Jalia

I don't! But I am very poor at getting jokes. Finally got it when I read Guitar's post below!

pusillanimous profile image
pusillanimous in reply to Auriculaire

I too have led a sheltered life, because I don't get it either!!!!!!!!!

Lucy61 profile image
Lucy61 in reply to Auriculaire


Peacefulneedshelp profile image
Peacefulneedshelp in reply to Auriculaire

me either

Guitar335 profile image
Guitar335 in reply to Jalia

….and suddenly you just turn over and boom there it is pounding away !

This should win an award for the most enjoyably entertaining post in a while🤣🤣😂😂

On a more serious point I certainly feel I’ve had the odd occurrence laying on my left facing forward when I roll over.

Very best wishes

Ducky2003 profile image
Ducky2003 in reply to Jalia

Same here 😁.

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Jalia

thanks for your reply 😀

Cookie24 profile image
Cookie24 in reply to

I think when I wake up from a dream my kicks up

Karendeena profile image
Karendeena in reply to Cookie24

Me too every time

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Cookie24

thanks for your reply 😀

Karendeena profile image
Karendeena in reply to

Dreams usually start mine and quite often it's when I have been out for a meal

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Karendeena

thanks for your reply 😀

Letofeyd profile image
Letofeyd in reply to

At our time of life, I expect the AF is the more frequent scenario...☺️☺️☺️

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Letofeyd

thanks for your reply 😀

Teresa156 profile image

Yes, mine has usually happened either in the late evening or in the early hours, never in the day time. Try and sleep on your right side if you can, at least to begin with.

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Teresa156

thank you x

reinaway profile image
reinaway in reply to babssugar

Also sleep with at least two pillows or a foam wedge under your pillow as I found that having the top part of my body raised helped the AF starting enormously 😆

Jalia profile image
Jalia in reply to reinaway

I agree. I actually have 5 pillows set at various angles!!

Cookie24 profile image
Cookie24 in reply to reinaway

Worth a try

Rosie1066 profile image

yes, quite often my AF wakes me up in the middle of the night. You just never know when it’s going to occur.

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Rosie1066

thank you for your reply x

planetiowa profile image

AF for me is very position dependent. I cannot sleep on my left side and there is also one position lying on my far right side but not quite on my stomach where my heart will sometimes start acting up like it wants to go into AF. Rolling over slightly stops it.

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to planetiowa

thank you for your reply 😀

watten1 profile image

Yes, it has happened to me over the last week or so. It is disappointing in my case as I had an ablation three months ago and naturally I am starting to worry that the AF is starting to make an appearance again after some time off! It comes after I had had a good consultation with my EP and she had said that I could start to consider coming off my medication. Now I am not so sure and have put a call in to seek further advice.

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to watten1

thank you for your reply 😀

pottypete1 profile image

when I used to regularly have AF, I monitored the frequency of episodes. Over a 6 month period 56% of my AF episodes started when I was asleep or when waking.


Lenlec profile image

yes. My Af often starts while im in bed

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Lenlec

thank you for your reply 😀

Leeson profile image

Always sleep on my right side took some getting used to. but seems to work for my AF. Something about extra space for the heart

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Leeson

thank you for your reply 😀

Leechg profile image

Yes, when I roll onto my left side. Many times. B nuisance!

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Leechg

thank you for your reply 😀

Bingofox007 profile image

always! Can hear it echoing through the mattress, nightie jumping with each beat and feel like I’ve run a marathon the next day! It usually lasts a couple of hours after taking PIP flecainide. I just sit there, stethoscope on my chest, scared until it’s over. I usually read this forum in the night as I don’t sleep well, if it happens again do write, it’s nice to know someone’s out there snd knows exactly how you feel, your among friends here. Take care 🦊xx

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Bingofox007

thank you for your reply 😀

Ppiman profile image

I've not noticed it start in bed, but I've had arrhythmias start caused by movement - kneeling to wash the car wheels or weed the garden, stretching to paint a ceiling and bending to dismantle a cot all come to mind -and was told that the organs can become pulled and pushed about and easily press into each other, including the heart. I was told that this can cause ectopic beats to occur, the type of beat that can trigger AF.


babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Ppiman

thank you for your reply 😀

Suesouth profile image

yep, several times!

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Suesouth

thank you for your reply 😀

southkorea profile image

yes . What did you eat for supper? Indigestion can give you indigestion. Eat early around 6-0 pm and avoid hot spicy foods

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to southkorea

thank you for your reply 😀

TheProf profile image

I don't go into AF but many times when I lie down I get increased heart rate. It jumps from 54 to 75 - and feels wrong - It goes away when I sit up and maybe do a vagal manoeuvre. I'm on flecainide form the rhythm.

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to TheProf

thank you for your reply 😀

Vonnegut profile image

It used to wake me up occasionally and then I’d take Flecainide as a PIP which stoped it in a few hours but now I take flecainide regularly, I hardly ever have episodes and only very occasionally during the night. Do remember we are all different so good luck finding what works for you.

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Vonnegut

thank you for your reply 😀

Auriculaire profile image

Yes - my afib nearly always starts when I am lying down asleep or awake.

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Auriculaire

thank you for your reply 😀

Dippy22 profile image

I was just into bed on night and my sons was ranting on the phone about his ex wife. I finished the call, turned to put the phone on the bedside table and boom! off it went. Stress?!? 🤦

The last two episodes simply woke me up at 2am - both of them at exactly the same time.

There’s no rhyme nor reason to it - not that I can find. 🤨

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Dippy22

thank you for your reply 😀

Ducky2003 profile image

Frequently......... probably more often than not when AF is in town. Its on a holiday at the moment, thank goodness.

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Ducky2003

thank you for your reply 😀

GranmaWendy profile image

yep, almost always mine occur during the night, and lying on my left side is the worst position for triggering it. When this happens I spend the rest of the night half sitting up, which helps a little but does not help sleep!

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to GranmaWendy

thank you for your reply 😀

Alphakiwi profile image

Yes i cant stay on my right side long it gets terribly uncomfortable. Also i can neither ly ony back or lean against it when sitting. Its a point in the middlesomewhere between shoulder blades. Not much use telling a gp they just look at you. Just have to get used to it. Comes with the teritory. Dont do anything that aggravates. I have a pacemaker which helps. Stops heart from going to low at night. I dont take much meds, a blood thinner rivaroxaban and 120mg diltiazem. I cant run or bike on it but i do have a pretty decent life.

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Alphakiwi

thank you for your reply 😀

croesio profile image

Most of my episodes kick off when I am in bed and I don,t even have to move it just wakes me up. I must admit lying on your left side seems to start it off sometimes as well.

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to croesio

thank you for your reply 😀

123Abc123 profile image

Yes. Getting up in the night sets mine off as does eating too much and too late in the day.

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to 123Abc123

thank you for your reply 😀

Electricblu profile image

Good morning babs, yes I regularly get woken by episodes, I reckon that’s why I’m so wrinkly now - just not getting enough beauty sleep 😉

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Electricblu

thank you for your reply 😀

MWIC profile image

Hi and Yes I’m getting this at the moment - go to bed no problem , turn and wham - I seem to get this in cycles at night and atm I’m in one - sometimes before I sleep sometimes wakes me up …then don’t get it at all in bed (or it doesn’t wake me) - no Rhyme or reason to it

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to MWIC

thank you for your reply 😀

Garaidh profile image

Absolutely yes! But the good thing is, it's the easiest trigger to resolve... 😊Taking Flecainide I can sleep for a while on my left but I'm definitely, 100% aware my heart is less settled, jumpy, faster.

Take care!

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Garaidh

thank you for your reply 😀

frazeej profile image

Yup, that's when I get the attacks. Lying on my left side is NOT a good idea for me!


babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to frazeej

thank you for your reply 😀

Windlepoons profile image

Yes I have had it happen a few times - unfortunately!😊

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Windlepoons

thank you for your reply 😀

indy64 profile image

Speaking from experience, I would venture to guess that this would be close to a universal "YES" from everyone on this site. 😀

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to indy64

thank you for your reply 😀

petmice profile image

It happened to me a few years before I was diagnosed with atrial flutter/fib: my heart's banging around woke me up. I didn't think I was having a heart attack, so I just went back to sleep; I woke up the next morning and not only was I still alive, but my heart was back to normal. I chuckle now because, while I might expect exertion to trigger my afib, sleeping is the complete opposite of exertion.

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to petmice

thank you for your reply 😀

fibnum profile image

Sleep apnea has caused me to wake up with Afib.

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to fibnum

thank you for your reply 😀

Jetcat profile image

yes definitely and quite a few times.! I think it’s something to do with pressure in the abdomen on certain manoeuvres that can set it off.?? I may be wrong but I’m sure I read it somewhere.

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Jetcat

thank you for your reply 😀

Karendeena profile image

Yes, it applies to me. Sometimes I am having weird dreams and then I wake and boom I'm in afib with a ponding heart ❤️

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Karendeena

thank you for your reply 😀

Gre-ta profile image

Most of my PAF episodes wake me up & I’m pretty sure they are brought on by sleep apnea. Other episodes seem to happen just as I’m expecting to go to sleep & I usually notice a sort of flutter for a day or so before. Sometimes if I have a Dioralyte it seems to stop the flutter & so I manage to avoid the episode.

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to Gre-ta

thank you for your reply 😀

WildIris profile image

I more often go to sleep in afib and wake without it.

babssugar profile image
babssugar in reply to WildIris

thank you for your reply 😀

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