how is being off Eliquis for 3 days handled for pacemaker battery change. Is another drug used to prevent stroke possibility? How challenging is it to have the PM battery changed? I have AF & Arterial Flutter. I am mildly symptomatic. I'm on Eliquis 5 mg twice a day. I had an ixchemic stroke October 2021 and was discharged to home in two days with no deficits. I have a first degree heart block
Being off eliquis for surgery - Atrial Fibrillati...
Being off eliquis for surgery

I’ve had several surgeries where I’ve stopped taking Eliquis for either 3 or 5 days, hasn’t caused any problems. After one op they did give me a Heparin injection following day.
I’ve not had my pacemaker changed yet but a friend who has said it’s no worse than the initial op to implant it.
Good luck.
Thanks bantam 12. All my previous cardio's had told me the same. I've had the PM for about 12 years. The battery seems to be taking forever to wear out. My current cardio person thinks the change for me will be 'challenging'. I have a tele visit with him coming up to get more info on this.
HiI am not a medical person and I am not familiar with the details of your situation, but for a colonoscopy I had in the autumn I was told to stop Eliquis 3days before and there was no substitute. The problem I had was that I started the Eliquis almost immediately afterwards which led to some bleeding which was sorted out in a few days.
This week I have a dental operation on Wednesday and again was told to stop taking Eliquis 3 days before which I have done. This time I will be more careful about restarting it. I'll discuss this with the dentist and cardio nurse.
As I said this is just my experience. Your medical staff will know more about what suits you. ( I had a PM fitted last year so hopefully it won't need changing for a while yet).
Scary but it was fine. Was off Xarelto for a colonoscopy last year.
In principle if the new pacemaker is the same type as the one you have, then the procedure is simpler as the leads stay where they are and they just swap out the box.In my case I was upgraded to a CRT-P which is a slightly bigger box and has an extra lead to insert. Even so I was only off Apixaban for a day and with no ill effects.
I was off Apixiban the same time for a box and lead change, no problems . Best wishes to you.
Just wanted to say that I was diagnosed with AF 18 months ago and started on Eliquis 5 mg twice daily and Bisoprolol 2.5mg twice daily. A few months ago I needed a colonscopy but the surgeon allowed me to stay on the Eliquis, which surprised me - and all went very well with hardly any bleeding at all. So you can ask your surgeon if this is advisable in your case as obviously it is done if they permit. I simply told him I was very anxious about coming off the Eliquis. Best wishes,