I had been taken off my Atenolol and was on no meds for BP at all for almost a week. Eventually got an appointment withGP yesterday, and this one actually listened to me. She felt my pulse, and said I was in very fast AF, which I knew already, then took my BP, saying that if it was normal or low, I was going straight to hospital. It was high, and she said, and I quote ‘great, doesn’t look like you’ll have a stroke this week then’. It was meant jokingly, but I was in a state of high anxiety at the time, and it freaked me out! Anyway I had blood tests today, and have to go back next week, then have a heart monitor again. It took 9 months to get one last time, because the GP forgot about it, so 🤞that doesn’t happen this time. Thanks for listening again, you’re a lovely lot.
Update on previous post: I had been... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Update on previous post

Its so very stressful, I do hope you get sorted asap. As good as they are medics dont seem to get how awful this condition is. Anxiety is part and parcel of dealing with this condition but isnt often given the credence needed. Best wishes, hope you get back on track very soon.
May I suggest that you follow up with a letter to the Surgery Manager, saying everything in your post and send a copy to HealthWatch and your MP.
If only for peace of mind, it would be good if you could be referred to speak to specialist and discuss a treatment plan. Did you get a heart rate number?
Good idea that, and she did say I might need to see a cardiologist. Pulse was 150, and bearing in mind it’s normally 44, for me that was very high. Thanks CDreamer.
yes it’s the difference. My HR would go up to 180+ but resting rate would be 65-70 - big difference to your 49 and shows just how different we all can be. My BP would crash at those high rates though so wouldn’t be able to sit up, let alone stand.
Now treated - I have a new lease of life and only now looking back realise just how disabling AF was for me.
Definitely cause for written complaint to the surgery manager about a “forgetful GP” - it’s not good enough & neither was the unprofessional bad taste comment (not joke). I have the utmost respect for a good Dr/GP but just because they hold the same title others are scarily off kilter, also not always as one off. Don’t be afraid to chase up when you don’t hear about something you are waiting for or something you think needs doing. If things get lost or forgotten ask for it then to be done urgently - I really hope you are sorted quickly, try some relaxation exercises, breathing, mindful tasks - anything to try to bring down the anxiety (which is only natural) but not good x
Yes you’re right. I’m usually a pretty laid back, but the anxiety made me feel like a different person. Thanks for your advice Afib x
Forgot about it,...what is it with these drs. Who have our lives in their hands.
they are stressed, overwhelmed by patient demands as there is a woeful shortage of GPs. Most GPs dislike the way they have to work these days as much as patients and know 10 mins consult is meaningless to treat effectively.
The whole system needs a dramatic overhaul and encouged to work wholistically.
I agree but doesn't help me with decision making....I take on my life 😭 n my hands unsure of myself...