I had my angiogram using the radial artery on Thursday 5/1. Its now been over 72 hours and I am experiencing pain in my arm from the elbow upwards. Taking paracetamol but any relief is very temporary. Is this common?
Arm pain after angiogram: I had my... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Arm pain after angiogram

Hi Daisy
You may get more responses from the BHF forum, lots of people there will have had angiograms. Find them here:
I had an angiogram about 3 months ago which was run up from my wrist. (I was fully awake throughout, which was different from the 3 angiograms I had had 10 years ago.)
I did not experience arm pain at any time afterward. I do not say this to alarm you again, but it is good to watch for redness, pain and excessive swelling as signs of possible infection.
I even reported a slight swelling at the insertion site and was told it was fine.
It never hurts to run it by your doctor as well as seeking advice here
Thanks fibnum. It seems that this pain is not uncommon and can last a while. No swelling or redness. I know they had to try several different catheters due to the anatomy of my heart so guess it's internal bruising. Hope to speak to my GP to ask about pain relief that is OK to take with warfarin.
Yes I had a similar pain in my arm from mine last year, from the wrist to the elbow and also a bit above the elbow, it was an ache more than a direct pain but quite intense and was only relieved by some pain killers. Happily it went after a few days, maybe a week. The incision point was more troublesome as that was painful for a good month or two.
I think it is pretty normal so nothing to be unduly worried about.