I would be gratefull any advice i am on Tidiem 120, thyroxin 50, edoxaban 60mg I have had A fib last 7 years, moderate aortic stienosis + regurgitaton, moderate mitral regurgitation, and these last 7 years have not slept properly 3 hours then awake 3hours ,2 hours then I am glad to get out of bed as the palpertations so uncomfortable, any advice Pink Rabbit,
Help at night: I would be gratefull any... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Help at night
If your Cardiologist can't help you to get back into sinus rhythm, perhaps you could ask for / try a beta blocker? These damp down the force of the heart's beat. After my dissection operation, I went (back) into AF and was quite surprised that beta blockers reduced the force of my heart enough to be able to sleep even in full blowm AF, where before my AF was always too intrusive for sleeping. Beta blockers themselves will directly help sleep, too.
Your thyroxine dose is tiny, 50mcg is only a starter dose so I would advise you get your thyroid levels tested, if your levels are not good it effects every cell and action in the body, ideally TSH should be below 1 and T4 and T3 in the higher end of the ranges.
This sleeplessness is a well known side effect of Tildiem. I take Tildiem 300LA and since starting on it I can't get to sleep & when I do I can't stay asleep and wake early morning & several times during the night. I'm so tired yet cannot sleep! On the plus side though it did calm my AF about 2 months after starting to take it.