I’m in great need of another new knee I had one successfully two years ago and I am thrilled with the results however I’m getting nearer and nearer needing my other one done now circumstances have changed I now have afib and I’m on apixaban will this affect my chances of another successful knee replacement
knee replacement on apixaban - Atrial Fibrillati...
knee replacement on apixaban

Just remember that apixaban was first licensed FOR knee replacement surgery to prevent blood clots.
Can't really answer your question BUT have you discussed your concerns with any cardiologist and orthapaedic surgeon. Also are you having a GA or are you going with the trend these days and having one of these new trendy light local anethestics.
I was on Warfarin (and still am) when I had mine done ..... no sweat. I discussed it with my orthapeadic surgeon and his anesthetist both before and on the day ... no sweat. As soon as I came round after my GA they pumped two lots of Fragmin into me ( a bridging anticoagulant) - sorted ! However, my paroxysmal AF was then and is now highly controlled.
hello Dec60. I was due for knee replacement surgery on Wednesday but sadly it couldn’t go ahead but I just needed to stop my Apixiban two days before. Best of luck. Sure all will go well
I had a new knee earlier this year I was just told to stop taking it a couple of days before. After the op I just started taking it as normal. Out of hospital the next day Hope it goes well for you.
I am the proud owner of a new knee now 7 weeks old and had the same concerns with my apixaban. Stopped taking it as instructed 2 days before and am now back on my static bike and walking without sticks but still with swelling and minor pain. The medical staff are well aware of these issues and will be looking after your care. So try not to worry and look forward to your new knee.
please don’t worry I had a knee replacement last year and I’m on apixaban, you stop taking it for a few days before your op, then you go straight back on it after
I had a knee replacement two years ago. My Apixaban was stopped for 48 hours before surgery and restarted the day after. I had a spinal anaesthetic whic I would recommend to anyone if you’re given the choice. All will be well
No. I had partial knee replacement 2019 perfectly fine
It all depends on your heart rate. I was in permanent AF and heart rate went up to 140bpm as I got to the operating table, the anaesthetist advised surgeon not to go ahead. I’ve since had a cardioversion which has kept me in sinus rhythm.. Am now booked in to have knee done in January. Suggest you talk to your surgeon and cardiologist but if your heart rate is controlled there shouldn’t be a problem.
I have paroxysmal AF and am on Apixaban and other blood pressure and heart rate meds. Prior to breast cancer surgery I was given a heart scan and the cardiologist recommended increasing my heart rate meds just for s few days before surgery to keep my heart rate low enough. I also stopped the Apixaban 2 days before surgery. I am waiting for knee surgery and the same steps will be taken.
I have had three knee replacements (Don't ask) whilst on Rivaoxaban and Nebivolol without problem. Obviously I stopped the anticoagulant for a few days prior to surgery and they gave me something else for a few days and then I was able to go back on it. Because the third op was a revision and therefore a much longer op my cardiologist suggested I take flecanide as a preventative for a couple of weeks before and month after (I normally only take as a pill in the pocket when I get an AFib attack which after two ablations is about once every six months when stressed). All worked fine and no AFib. Only downside is not being able to take anti inflammatories so knee swelling is harder to control but I ice regularly and am getting back to normal.
I was the same as you in 2015 and St. Richards in Chichester would not countenance replacement until Cardiologist confirmed that he was happy for it to proceed.
I had my first total knee replacement while on apixaban back in 2019 and about a month after my second successful cardioversion - no problems at all. I chose sedation and epidural as I am not good with General Anaesthetic. It all went fine. I did the same for my hip replacement about ten years previously and had no problems. At your pre admission appointment you will be asked for a list of medications you are on both prescribed and any supplements you take - so be sure to tell them of everything you take and the anaesthetist and surgeon will make decisions on how best to treat and medicate you for your operation based on that. I was asked to refrain from taking my apixaban for 3 days prior to the operation and took half dose for I think a month afterwards. Not able to take antiinflammatories so extensive use of hot and cold compresses. I was given oramorph and I think the best tip I had was to take all the pain killers prescribed religiously, and on time to ensure control of pain and enable me to do my exercises 20 mins after my dose of oramorph as instructed by the physio - this worked like a dream. As you have already had one knee replaced you will know all about getting those exercises done and all the rest of it. All the very best.