I am traveling to Australia next month can anyone tell me the best flight socks to buy
flight socks: I am traveling to... - Atrial Fibrillati...
flight socks
Depends how belt & braces you want to be. I got a DVT in my calf and used sigvaris.com/en-gb for several years. They are very good but very tight and not sure whether suitable for a long flight as I only used them for regular daily use and 2hr car journeys.
Ive always bought mine from Boots and found them to be very comfortable on long haul flights as fly regularly to Oz and NZ . Can be a bit of a struggle to put on and off so probably best to put them on before boarding as there's not much leg room unless you're going business class, but they've done the trick for me and ive not had any issues so far. Always get up and walk up and down the aisle too to keep the blood flowing. 😃✈️
I used Boots flight socks to India and China 10/11 hour flights.Yes. Put them on at home rather than struggling as you are about to board.I usually keep them on until i get to Hotel or first base.....and try to walk up and down in plane or at least move your legs up and down often in your seat.
I have to travelled to Australia and india, going to Thailand for Christmas always use boots travel socks seem to work for me ,🤞enjoy your trip