Going abroad on holiday with AF!? - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Going abroad on holiday with AF!?

wendy6 profile image
17 Replies

Hello , A month ago, my AF returned after 6 years AF free following Ablation in 2016. However this time it seems to be with me every day for at least 12 hours on and off. It seems to settle when I lay down and rest and overnight. But any exertion ramps it up. Thankfully my heart rate stays steady even during AF, averaging 60-70bpm. Monitor shows its going from 40 - 100 during AF.

Went to A&E twice when it suddenly appeared month ago, aweful experience not to be repeated! I was and still do get occasional chest pains and slight breathlessness when AF has been going for several hours if unable to lay down and rest. they checked me out said nothing to worry about as HR not fast. Im on Apixiban and Bisoprolol anyway. Referral made to see Cardiologist as no longer under anyone. I was told it was an urgent referral, expecting to be seen within a month!

My worry now is that we are due to go away on holiday 6th November to Egypt for a 12 day package hotel holiday (not touring) We have already cancelled/moved holiday from early September due to my AF, moved it to November believing I would be Ok by then, have seen Cardiologist have medication to control AF etc. Well it now seems that as Im not an urgent case, could be months before I see specialist.

Dont know what to do now....do I accept A&E and my GPs view that Im Ok, no need to worry. My GP actually told me to "Calm down" and pointed out she had 40 or more patients all waiting to see a Cardiologist who are worse off than me!. So do I accept Im Ok, and no need to worry that Im in AF every day, keep calm and carry on, go away on holiday.

When I had AF before 2016 (had it for 8 years before Ablation) I would only get AF episodes once or twice a month. So when I went away on holiday I was on Flecainide, and would often not get any AF whilst away. the thought of going away now being in AF every day is worrying.

Can I have your experiences of going abroad, travelling whilst in AF please.

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wendy6 profile image
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17 Replies
10gingercats profile image

I travelled extensively with AF but did not feel it.For some of my trips to India and China I did not know I had Afib. and was not taking meds. Not to be rec. As our sage BobD would probably say 'it is all about quality of life'. If you feel ok then fine but if you don't and it likely to interfer with your holiday activities you may have to think about whether it is worth the hastle. See what others say.

wendy6 profile image
wendy6 in reply to 10gingercats

thank you for replying. Unfortunately im symptomatic most of the time. So very aware of it. My twin sister developed Silent AF a year before me 20 years ago. She only found out had AF due to breathlessness. Shes been in persistent AF since then...doesnt feel her heart at all. But on lots of meds. Interestingly she was advised not to have Ablation and didnt, i was advised yo have one and it worked for 6 years.

CDreamer profile image

I travelled extensively with AF, in and out of AF on flights, boats and trains and never had much of a problem but always travelled with a plan = keep all meds but especially PIP in my bag, practice breath techniques, stay calm and very well hydrated and just take it slow and if you need to rest - rest. Ensure you have really good travel insurance, sit back an enjoy.

I know staying calm is not easy for some people with AF but it really helps so some strategy and/or practice as staying calm is essential. The more you stress, the worse it will feel but it does take practice so I found using Apps such as HeadSpace or Calm extremely useful and developed a daily practice so that was my ‘go to’ when AF hit.

I was very symptomatic with orthostatic intolerance, high HR, fatigue, breathlessness & low BP so sometimes pre syncope/syncope so really had to sit/lie with feet up during the worst of it but didn’t let it stop me.

Distraction helps - for me it was put in the earphones and play a book or a podcast or music, close eyes and focus on that.

CDreamer profile image

This was one of my most inconvenient places to have an AF episode of 5 years ago - you never know what you can cope with until you have to cope -


01maxdog profile image

sounds like you need a holiday to relax ! I find stress is the number 1 trigger to bring on an episode so for long haul flights I equip myself with certain lifelines . Good pair of headphones , relaxing music , download some of your favourite programmes , good book , practice yogic breathing , meditate , let your other half deal with the stressful things like checking in , bags etc . Lots of water , don’t dehydrate . Allow yourself plenty of time and get a good nights sleep before you go. But GO. Life is too short to be ruled by this

Ppiman profile image

My friend is now elderly and has had permanent AF with a normal heart rate for very many years. It has never worried him and he has carried on with life as usual. I think he's lucky. He only sees his GP, also (although I think he also has seen a cardiologist a couple of times). GPs do have a very wide experience of heart conditions.

As you are especially worried, might you be able to see a cardiologist or electrophysiologist (EP) privately to ask their advice. They might want to do a scan (echo or MRI) which would add to the cost (I would guess in total £700-£1200).


Jetcat profile image

it’s a difficult one for you Wendy. But I understand where you’re coming from.!!

I personally think you wouldn’t be any worse off by going! You may as well be sat somewhere nice having afib than staying at home and having afib, but that’s only my wierd way of thinking.??

I’m in Spain on holiday at the moment and I know that I always feel rubbish on the arrival after flying etc even though it’s only a short flight. and after a long break from any afib guess what.?

I got a 10 minute episode 4 hours after checking in which is nothing I know, and I’m glad it was only 10 minutes.( lucky)😁

But I knew when I booked the holiday I would probably not get away Scot free but I booked it anyway.👍

It’s a pain in the ~~~~ sometimes is our afib.😳

You do what you think is rite for you.👍

I’ll back you whatever you’re choice.

Best wishes.


wendy6 profile image
wendy6 in reply to Jetcat

Thank you Ron...hope you are enjoying Spain. We should be in Majorca now, Puerto Pollensa. 😥 Cancelled due to the onset of AF 8th August. Moved holiday to November but Egypt, thinking AF would have stopped or would have seen Cardiologist by then. We really want to go on holiday, really need to relax. Not planning on doing any sight-seeing, its purely sleep, swim, eat, drink, repeat . So, if I can control anxiety will go.

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to wendy6

I know what you mean about the anxiety.?

The anxiety was more of problem for me than the episodes of afib were.!!! It just puts a big downer on everything doesn’t it.?

It’s taken me a few years for the anxiety to be not much of a problem now, I don’t know wether it’s because I had some councilling and some medication for a while, or the fact that Iv actually realised/ learnt this AFIB isn’t going to kill me or neither will I drop down dead etc.!! Iv always been a worrier and suffered with anxiety from childhood so all I needed was a diagnosis of AFIB to get the old brain running on overtime and letting it tell me I was on deaths door etc.???

So as a few members on here already know, out came my trusty old funeral plan deciding what music choice I change it to this week just in case I keel over next week.? After first 2 years after diagnosis at age 45 I was absolutely fed up with changing the music on my plan, all that trouble music changing just because of anxiety.!!!

I do hope you get to a better place with anxiety Wendy. I’m sure you will in time believe me. It does make Afib a little more bearable once you’re not fighting with anxiety as well.👍

Best wishes Wendy. You’ll get there believe me.


LaceyLady profile image

can you afford to go privately to a consultant cardiologist? Mine costs me about £120, he’s really helpful and he will write to my GP and tell him what I need. They have to take notice.

Getting stressed will make you feel worse. Try this:

Breathing Exercise for P/AFFind a comfortable chair, place feet on the ground, close your eyes, breathe normally.Start by scrunching your toes, and let go.Tense your calves, let goTense your bottom, let go Tense your arms, let goThen your hands and fingers, let go.By doing this you can see and feel what tension and relaxation feels like.Next, breathe in through your nose to expand your belly for the count of6, hold the breath, breathe out of your mouth like you’re blowing through a straw for the count of 8.Keep doing the breathing for as long as you wish to help relaxation.You need to concentrate on the process which can stop you from thinking aboutYour P/AF©️Angela Rawlins 

wendy6 profile image
wendy6 in reply to LaceyLady

Thank you - yes do do techniques to control breathing and anxiety. Anxiety has calmed since onset of AF August. Im getting used to having AF on and off everyday. It ramps up every so often. Travelelling can be stressful, Im the organiser, tickets, packing etc so its all on me. usually, I thrive on the pre-holiday adrenalin rush but I know that its not going to help my AF.

JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image


Af with some worsens when stressed or anxious. But you will be on holiday.

I enjoyed Eygpt in 1990s.

I stayed in the YHA.

Lots to see the Pyramids, the caves and history. You will have a learning experience if you haven't been.

I took the Nile Boat. Care don't eat pudding which have been out in sun.

Also care of bags and purses and shoulder gear. Have eyes in back of your head.

Have a great hol and relax and let the world go forward.

Take a letter from Dr re: Meds and keep them in cabin bag. All meds need to be labelled.

cheers JOY. 73. (NZ)

stargazer52 profile image

hi Wendy, I have exactly the same problem as you. Diagnosed in 2016 only 3 major episodes so could ignore it then this April descended into persistant AF which hasn’t gone and have been told it won’t return to sinus. Very scary for me tbh. My specialist nurse and consultant said if you can climb up the airplane steps there’s no reason you can’t go on holiday. They have got my average HR down to under 100, it does still go up but comes down reasonably quickly. I’ve just had to learn to take things steady and try not to get stressed.

My holiday is booked for 20th September.

I hope you can get your head around being able to go.

wendy6 profile image
wendy6 in reply to stargazer52

Thank you for your reply.... yes, if only Id been able to see a Cardiologist and have some tests before we go it would help me I know. We should be in Majorca now on holiday 😥 But had to make the decision end of August when balance of holiday payment was due, to go or amend holiday. At that time I was still in shock of suddenly getting AF again and feeling very anxious. My body has now got used to having AF on and off every day, yesterday was good, hardly any. Day before was bad all day until bedtime. In retrospect wish we had gone to Majorca on 5th Sept, as the 2 hour flight to a European country is actually a better option than our November holiday 6 hour flight to Egypt! Hope you have a wonderful holiday next week. Im having a Cataract operation on 20th 🧐

stargazer52 profile image

I sympathise, it was only because I was admitted through A&E as my AF was so bad that I was able to see a fantastic cardiologist. Mine never goes away now, sometimes not as noticeable but always there. Tbh I’m still apprehensive about going but trust the guy.

Hope you’re cataract op goes well.😀

kkatz profile image

I can absolutely relate to your situation.I went from paroxsysmal to persistent 18 months ago and being put on list for ablation.I have learned to cope with similar symptoms to yourself by not doing too much for too long.Now having to cope with Hr going too low which is worrying me .I go on holiday and have booked the next two 30 day trips.But here is the difference.It is our own apartment in Portugal & I know where the local A & E is.

However My Insurance company will not cover me for exsisting illnesses so main worry is major incidence on the plane.

Not sure if any of this helps.

Sometimes we get too anxious.Not the same as going

on holiday but I was anxious about going to our excercise classes today as I just didn't feel good.But hubby twisted my arm and I felt loads better for having gone.

Hope you can go on holiday & enjoy.

Softpaww profile image

I am in about the same boat as you now; not a LOT of issues but headed on a trip next week and worried "what might happen". Doctor says not to worry as everything has been stable (no incidents for 5 years) .... but I have "ballooned up" in weight and feel a little breathless now 'n then but feel is is weight related. I am going to just suck-it-up and do the trip as it is a family wedding but also, a visit "back home" which was last made when I had a triple death in the family over 12 weeks (brother, father, step-mom)....which is the anxiety that put me into afib in the first place.

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