my echo said I had moderate mitral regurgitation. I have been short of breath and fatigued. My EP has me on Flecainide for A Fib but read you shouldn’t take it if your heart is not structural sound. Does moderate mitral regurgitation qualify as not having a structural sound heart. Tried to look it up and thought leaky valves qualify as a structural problem. My cardiologist talks in circles when I try to get information. Thanks for any info you can give to help me understand.
moderate mitral regurgitation - Atrial Fibrillati...
moderate mitral regurgitation

The concern with flecainide is more about blood flow i e cardiac arteries.
Most people have mitral regurgitation to some level or other and since echocardiogram results are highly subjective and subject to the opinion of the operator one must be carfeul not to put too much score on such things. What is moderate to one may be mild to anther and what is mild is trace to a second. I got this info from one of Dr Gupta's (York cardiology) U tube videos a few years ago.
Two years ago, it was mild MR and had no symptoms.about a year ago I became breathless and extremely fatigued. EP suggested another echo since it had been two years. On this new one the RVSP had doubled now 40-45mmHg. I have also developed a dry cough. Not sure what all that means but cardiologist told me yesterday all that just come with age. I do watch Dr. Gupta’s U Tubes , don’t always completely understand although he is much better at explaining than the cardiologist around here are.. My oldest son died suddenly few months ago so my stress has been really bad. Thanks for your reply.
So sorry about your son, thoughts are with you🙏🏽

Thank you. Was a shock as he has visited me about 10 days earlier . He passed away five days before his granddaughter was born. Massive heart attack.
Lost my son ,29, in a RTA then 3 months later lost my hubby to heart attack. Life does go on but in a very different way , it takes time. My heart is with you ❤️

I am so sorry for your loss. My husband passed away 30 years ago and I still miss him but I thought I would go before my children. I am still having a hard time believing I will never see or talk to him again. I know I will adjust, just takes a long time.
Sorry for your losses. Parents say they are supposed to pass on before their children. But no one has control over that. If you have faith you will see your loved ones again. Just in a different realm. Take care.
Thank you. I think most parents just hope they will go first but I know so many just like me, losing their first born. I wonder if stress has made my MR worse? Hopefully, I will feel better soon or maybe there is something the cardiologist can do to help. Flecainide is controlling my AFib but having many PVC’s, according to the Kardia
What is moderate to one may be mild to anther and what is mild is trace to a second
BobD is so correct in this statement. And for other heart conditons as well.
I have recently researched the subject since my niece has been diagnosed. Check the below link and other info available on the 'net.
Will do, thank you
Hi, UK NHS is my version. I had mild/moderate mitral regurgitation for number of years and was scanned every year. Last year they decided it was severe and I needed valves repaired. I was only on Bisoprolol when in AFib and blood thinners. As people have said leaks are common, but as you get older you need to have them monitored in case they get worse.
Did you get a repair? Because of my age they are not interested in doing anything. I was hoping if anything had to be done they could do the MitroClip. Guess it a wait and see game.
Yes red, got mitral and tricuspid valves repaired, an ablation and heart appendage sealed all in one go of open heart surgery. I'm 72, and they thought better to have it done now rather than wait for an emergency as I got older
Good for you. I think the doctors think I am already too old, 84. I did watch a clip from a valve clinic talking about the MicroClip was useful in older folks that would not be a candidate for replace or repair. I will try to get a second opinion . Don’t want to do anything dangerous but sure would enjoy feeling better. Thanks for your info.