Has anyone had experience with the Watchman implant? My Dr suggested it, as they can’t take me off Eliquis after my (successful ) ablation because my Chad score is too high.
Watchman Implant: Has anyone had... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Watchman Implant

It is an alternative but why change?
There are no guarantees that clots won’t form with any of the anticoagulants available but as I understand it, it’s still possible for clots to form outside the area treated by the Watchman so if you have a high CHADs, you need to be as sure as possible that you do the right thing to minimise the stroke risk…….

Thanks Flapjack, definitely something to think about..
Congratulations on the succesful ablation! Was it recent?
Morning, the watchman device is inserted inside the opening of the left appendage using a catheter, as flapjack says there is still a risk that clots will form around the device itself although I believe that the more recent watchman’s have improved. I think about it as a standard plug trying to block a hole that is different size and shape in us all.
There is an alternative to this but it would need done by a cardiothorasic surgeon rather than your EP and that’s having the left appendage clipped. In this procedure an atricure clip is placed around the opening to the appendage from the outside and it is clamped to close it off, the appendage itself then shrivels away. There is nothing for the clots to attach to.
Both will remove the need for blood thinners. Neither are 100% guarantee of no clot/stroke but have a higher success rate at reducing than blood thinners. It’s worth researching both. Good luck! Let us know what you decide.
Yup I had the watchman implanted 2 years ago ( on middle of covid). Best decision I ever made.
My EP stated that at this point it would be reasonable for me to come off Eliquis, despite having a CHA2DS2-VASc score of 2 (female & over 65). While I did experience some arrhythmia for about eight months after my ablation 2+ years ago, no documented AF or arrhythmias (other than PACs) in over a year.
Of course, I am being monitored via my loop implant recorder, so that is an added safeguard. He did not wholeheartedly recommend the Watchman device due to the clotting risk.
I have a Watchman. Implanted due to 4 Chads score, history of stroke, and an intolerance to blood thinners. 90% of all blood clots form in the LAA. The Watchman, once completely sealed, greatly reduces your chances of further stroke. The newer Watchman Flex far superior to its predecessor. I will soon be off of Axiban forever! Make sure your doctor has done 100’s of Watchmans. Experience is important! As to blood clots forming elsewhere. That’s true of anyone. Has nothing to do with the Watchman. I’m in a Watchman FB group. Most people report the procedure as easy peasy.
I had mine implanted in March and will be plavix in November. I had a lot of bruising