I have a family member getting the watchman done Friday. She is worried about having to lay flat after bc of back issues. I’m not familiar with the recovery with the watchman… only with the ablations. Is it the same? Will she be able to have her legs slightly elevated or is it completely flat. TIA
watchman procedure question - Atrial Fibrillati...
watchman procedure question

Good Morning. I know very little of this procedure but do have a very bad back and neck where my spine is totally out of line. I suggest your relative speaks to the consultant's secretary as soon as possible and explains all this. The last time I had a prolonged stay in hospital the ward sister arranged for a special mattress - which she had to hire by the day for me - taking quite a lump out of her budget. Make sure your relative mentions their back problems to every one who cares for her during the procedure and afterwards so that they can alter anything necessary to ensure her total comfort.

If the watchaman is fitted via a catheter which I suspect then the answer will likely be yes she will have to lay flat in order for the wound to heal. Here in UK the procedure is seldom done as it is not generally approved so no experience.
I think it vital that her concerns are raised with the team who will perfom the procedure as soon as possible so that any alternative measures can be implemented.
Hi I had a Watchman procedure back in November as part of a trial here in UK. I did need to lay flat under general anaesthetic as it was inserted via a small incision in my groin.
I would suggest her back condition is discussed with the consultants office prior to her being admitted as this may affect the process and they may be able to accommodate her needs if they know in advance.
It was a straightforward process and nothing to worry about. I am told it took about 20mins although I was fast asleep. No ill effects afterwards.
Back in on Tuesday for a TOE echocardiogram to inspect their work.
Good luck
Hope everything goes well today for your relative and she recovers quickly and fully from this.
You are supposed to lie flat after ablations but after my first one giving me severe back pain, the EP said that I could be slightly elevated to relieve the pressure. Just keep telling everyone and they should accommodate.
When I had my ablation (groin access needed) I had pillows under my knees. No problem.
well obviously you have to be flat for them to work on you. I was supposed to have a laminectomy on my back over a year ago that cannot be done yet because of my afib. I would think the watchmen, which is going to be in the area to prevent clotting would be somewhat similar to a pacemaker. I don’t know what the watchmen is connected to if anything. The purpose of it is to no longer need blood thinners. I just had a pacemaker input Not hooked yet until Monday. For me, I had to keep my left arm down. They actually put me in a sling because you cannot raise it above your shoulder so I had to learn new ways of getting dressed with one arm. My situation is because of the leads in there and that healing to keep them put. I will tell you I was able to be on my right side and I always sleep on my left side. While asleep, I rolled over on my left side. I had a nicely fitted pillow against the bars on the hospital bed. My EP came in and right away you said, what are you doing laying that way. But then he saw the way I was laying, and my arm was straight down And I had the pillow and he was OK with that.
Talk to them ahead of time they worked with me with my bed. The hardest part of the day for me was before the procedure of being on the stretcher before being taken in. Those beds are awful but they put it so my knees could be bent, etc., let them know about the back maybe they can give you something for the pain after the procedure they did to me also when it comes to going through the groin, they have to put pressure unless they use one of the new procedures. I don’t know what I will have Monday, but all of my previous going through the groin , they now use a special closure. I think of it like a plug. I have not seen it, but they put it in to stop the bleeding and eventually it disappears on its own and there. Most of us have had more than one Femoral closures because of ablations. I have never found them a big deal. I over walked with one of them, and I had aching, but nothing really bad. Just let them know about the back ahead of time. You may have to tell more than one nurse when they are trying to help you afterwards.
With my ablation 10 days ago, I told them about my back and they put a sheet underneath the curve of my lower back and pillows under my knees during the procedure. In recovery, they allowed me to have my head raised up enough to prevent any back pain.
Essentially, they want to keep the area in the groin open as much as possible but those small measures seemed to be fine with them both during and afterwards.
Like everyone has said, keep asking and informing so that everyone on the team is aware and in alignment with the protective measures for her back.