Just done the road trip to Surrey to see family and the Big B has messed me over. Felt very tired on Sunday leaving home. HR slopped around all over the place bottoming out at 41 bpm. Been sleeping for England while away rang for a GP appointment on my return home -no luck! ( big surprise there). Was offered a pharmacy phone consultation which I accepted but nothing yet!( Another surprise).
No doubt its Bisoprolol after 10 years at 5mgs and & 2and half years at 7.5mgs its having its wicked way. HR been quite erratic around 44 to 60 and up as high as 119.
Gonna start weaning myself off it to get down to 5 mgs.
I have never felt so spaced out, brain fog, lethargic ....whatever.
Anyone weaned who might have advice please.