Hi all. After a long uncomfortable time with AFib I saw a private cardiologist who prescribed Solatol 2x80 per day. It’s early days as I’ve just begun but a couple oh hours after taking first one I’m in AFib with HR 102. I stopped Bisoprolol and digoxin yesterday. Does it take a while for Solatol to take effect? Grateful for advice.
Solatol: Hi all. After a long... - Atrial Fibrillati...

AF being a strange condition means trying lots of different drugs before you find what might work for you. Give it a week or so before you decide but like any drug it migth not suit you.
No personal experience with Solatol, but it took Flecainde, another anti-arrhythmic, about ten days to start working for me.
Hi jd
As mentioned, may take a few days and more than one dose to begin working.
What was your heart rate under bisoprolol ?
Also, keep in mind sometimes difficult to get an accurate heart rate. Even worrying about your heart rate and being anxious about the new medication may cause an increase. Definitely check with your doctor if you have questions.
Best to you in managing your health.
I've taken 2x60mg daily for about 4 years. It's maximum effect is reached about 4 hours after ingestion. You might need to increase the dose, but give it a week or so to see how it works out first.
Are you still on the digoxin? I was also on bisop+dig which kept my heart rate stable but I moved to sot (no dig) and my heart rate jumped to up to 150.. Even increasing the sot didn't work (+grotty side effects) so have added the digoxin back in (+sot) which has settled things down again. For info the bisop didn't work well on it's own either so it feels like the digoxin is my most effective rate control..
Thanks. Had quite toxic reaction to digoxin and was on half of the smallest dose which is why private cardiologist put me on Solatol. I think it’s settling but it’s early days.
I too have just been prescribed Sotolol 80mg x2 by my EP. I had to see him privately as it was taking so long to sort out my AF.I have been on Diltiazem 120 and Rivaroxaban for 8 years plus Bisoprolol 1.25 as a PiP. My AF episodes have become so frequent ( 13 in the last 2 months) lasting up to 5 hours and HR jumping from 50’s to 150’s . Very exhausting and can’t be good for my heart! Although echo shows heart is fine.
I have finally got a diagnosis of Vagal AF, episodes always start after or while eating, but it’s very random. Can be a biscuit that starts it off!
I am very anxious about changing drugs, and there have been so many negative comments about sotalol on this site that I will be very interested to hear how you get on. I would love to hear some positive comments about sotolol from anyone out there?
I’m hoping that it settles. My af was well managed for seven years with Bisoprolol and Flecainide but after Covid it kicked in and never left. After various attempts to speak to doc and cardiologist I was given the message to stop flecainide and start digoxin which was very toxic for me. I have yet to come face to face with a cardiologist on NHS so saw a private one who really understood and put me on Solatol and took me off Bisoprolol. I’m hoping things will settle but the good thing is I’ve to see him in a few weeks for another ecg and check up.
I’m on Sotalol 80mg X 2 a day and it helps me greatly. I still get afib episodes but heart rate is slow, so it’s less tiring. I think Sotalol controls my heart rate more than rhythm. It makes my afib episodes bearable so that’s good enough for me . I take an extra half a tablet at the start of an episode as advised by my cardiologist. Take care.
I think stopping bisoprolol brought on the AF as happened with me. Once the sotalol reaches a steady state concentration in your circulation, it will do its work well, I should think. I have read that flecainide is generally, these days, preferred to it, but I would trust the doctor myself.
I can only tell you my history which is similar. Could it be that suddenly stopping Bisoprolol and Digoxin, and going on Solatol, could have set off your heart? It did for me, when my then-EP took me off two drugs and set me up with others with no weaning off the first. My heart reacted violently, I had to call an ambulance for myself, and ended up in the hospital for 2-1/2 days. I was dripped with various drugs which had no effect in stopping my violent a-fib episode. I finally had a cardioversion which stopped it in its tracks. I trust your experience is much milder than mine, and by the time you read this (I'm in the US) your heart will have settled down.
I think it will settle but seeing cardiologist in a week or so.