Most of my recently increased incidence of AFib occur either in the middle of the night or immediately on waking up after a disturbed sleep. I have always been an excellent sleeper and am convinced that lack of sleep and anxiousness is at the root of my issues. Anyone have experience of this and any ideas on better sleep? For context I take 150mg of flecainide before bed.
Anyone got any ideas for sleeping well? - Atrial Fibrillati...
Anyone got any ideas for sleeping well?

Chicken? Egg? I always thought that the AF causes the broken sleep not the other way round. I used to wake up from distessing dreams in AF but reasoned that my mind was finding reasons for the racing heart thus created the dreams.
In the beginning, my afib episodes were never at night. So I slept well. Going to bed was my sanctuary. No stress or anxiety, both which can be afib triggers.
Then, out of the blue I recently started getting afib in the middle of the night and early morning. Going to bed was no longer my sanctuary but started causing anxiety. So yes, it can turn into a chicken and egg thing that Bob mentioned.
For me, eating earlier in the day and elevating the head of my bed helped, as I suffer from GERD/reflux, another trigger. I also increased my flecainide bed time dose.
Some people find sleeping on their right side is better than their left side although if you have GERD, the opposite is often true. Many are evaluated for sleep apnea although some recent commentary suggests there may not be as much of a cause and effect. And then there are relaxation exercises before bed.
Hopefully, your increased evening flecainide dose will independently do the trick and you will be able to sleep both stress and afib free soon.
Before my ablation I was afraid to turn over at night for fear of triggering an attack. And mine can be fierce. To help me sleep I sometimes take 300 mcg of Melatonin (that's not mg). I have found a micro dose to be far more effective.
150mg Flec before bed (and I assume no more during the day) seems a lot - maybe too much at one go. I would try out 50mg early morning and 100 late pm on an empty stomach and then wait 1 hr before an early light last meal of the day. Allow a month or more for the new routine to settle and maybe then move to 75mg am & pm - my cardiologist favours getting the heart used to a regular amount per day spread evenly. Any changes with your medics approval of course.
My success with AF (such that it is - 8yrs remission) is largely based on identifying my particular risk areas & trigger points but also 'throwing the kitchen sink' at it due to my belief most situations develop for not just one but many (some unidentified) unwise lifestyle choices & other bad luck eg inherited.
Moving to sleep. I struggled with this for 5 yrs after AF diagnosis but now have got back a much more satisfactory result by:
Using nasal strips and for last 2 years a strip over the lips as well (you may not have any Sleep apnoea but this could still help).
Reduce stress incl a quiet hour before bed (I do spiritual reading, light yoga & prayer, no TV crime dramas!)
Using 3 pillows under my head and two on my left side to stop turning that way
Lastly, if you wake up to go to the bathroom (and are male), use a - avoid falls and get to sleep again faster.
Hope something there helps.
Thanks for the advice - I guess I will need to be patient and keep experimenting until I find what suits me. Its a temporary thing until I can get an ablation and I have to see it that way. I'm only 53 and have a lot of living left to do so I can't let this beat me
Yes definitely keep it positive. Whereas I would love to not be taking Flecainide or having a concern that AF may return, I owe a great deal to AF in driving my lifestyle changes which should extend my lifespan and reduce other chronic conditions. Without it I am pretty sure I would never have made the changes.😇😁