Last evening we went out for dinner ... had a lovely shrimp din ... feeling great ... then once home, l still felt hungry and had a hand full of honey covered pecans. Well maybe two hours later, my tummy started growling, my heart rate went up to 70, which is fast for me and my blood pressure was elevated ... l felt a strong need to go big potty ... l did, then it gradually started to subside. It was weird, but NOT afib. I also felt very warm, but looked fine. Was this a digestive issue? I don’t want this reoccurring!! Thanks. It was scary because l thought that it could be a prelude to an afib attack?
Why did this happen? Any ideas? - Atrial Fibrillati...
Why did this happen? Any ideas?

This is really interesting to me because it has been happening to me a lot! I had it yesterday morning, felt warm, heart rate went up and needed the loo then it gradually settled down. I’ve no idea why it’s happening either, be really interesting to see what responses you get. Have you ever had it before?
Yes ... but it usually happens after dinner ... just not quite to this extent ... it really frightened me. Let’s see what we get. Have you been diagnosed with afib?
It usually happens to me in the morning as soon as I wake up, sometimes it’s really intense and sometimes it doesn’t happen. It makes you feel shocking, doesn’t it.
Yes I have AFib, SVT and flutter. Just had an ablation for SVT that my EP is hoping will stop the AFib and flutter too as he believes the SVT is the trigger for the other arrhythmias.
Funnily enough I had an incident exactly like you describe yesterday morning.
Are you on blood pressure medication
Yes. I am on sotalol, amlodipine and one other and lozapan (sp?) ... all very low dosages ...
Just i had similar first thing in a morning once up and in my kitchen Would feel heat travel through me then get palpitations and become little floaty I had my BP tablet changed because of the cough I had with it Funny thing is the early morning episodes went to I was in ramipril though
Yeah, my first fast AF came after a couple of different possible causes. I'd just been to the dentist for the 6 monthly check-up. The dentist is only about 2 miles away and being a beautiful November day I walked there and back. I got back home, made myself a sandwich and a cuppa. Then I felt absolutely crap ( excuse my language). I checked my BP and HR. As I noticed that both BP and HR were quite elevated I started to worry and after checking a few more times and watching the further rising I called the ambulance. My HR finally reached 245 BPM. I was kept in hospital over night being monitored. I was worried to say the least, because it was the first AF I had. Keep eating though. I reckon starvation is the worst of 2 evals. Take care. Dave x
Slight allergic reaction? *OR*, perhaps it's a form of acid reflux? I've learned that because the oesophagus is relatively close to the heart that even the slightest reflux can effect hear rate --- it did for me anyway (confirmed by my doctor). I (successfully) had an ablation for AF and now eat much less in order to reduce the probability of heart flutter that can accompany these episodes. I'm not (wasn't) overweight but the upside is that I ended up loosing about 15 lbs and, overall, I'm feeling much better overall. Hope this helps
I could hardly believe it when I read this post. I also had a nice dinner last evening, with champagne, and finished it with a handful of Pecans from a packet I bought the other day. Ten minutes after going to bed I had very uncomfortable chestpain - it felt like mild angina and I had an irregular pulse, but the symptoms subsided when I sat up (and burped) so I decided it was more likely indigestion. When I lay down again the feeling returned. I had a very successful Ablation and Cardioversion last year which cured my AF, and I am now on Bisoprolol and Rivaroxyban with no side effects. I am not allergic to nuts but while lying awake until 4am and thinking over the food etc, I think the culprit was the Pecans. I wont be eating any more!
My heart always goes up after eating big meals or particular foods. I am sure that stimulation of the vagus nerve can cause this. Doesn't sound like anything to worry about but always see your doctor for reassurance.

Definitely the vagus nerve .... they tell me it runs from your abdomen right up to your brain Afib attacks always came after eating .... since my ablation I get weird tingly feelings on and off ...being blamed on the vagus nerve..
I am seeing my doctor for exactly this problem this week. I thought it was a virus...then thought it was menopause...or my flutter...or indigestion...but it is happening after everything I eat now and the bloating and temperature spikes are triggering flutters....and I have painful stomach cramps too. It's getting me down as I avoid trigger goods, eat low fodmap and am lactose free. I am reading that stomach/digestive issues are often linked with AF due to the vagus nerve, you'd think there would be a lot more information or advice about it but it seems not 😵 I hope you are feeling better today.
I posted about this exact same problem a few weeks ago. Have you had any relief at all from altering your diet? I have managed to find some relief after 3 weeks of completely changing my diet. Even though it’s gotten a lot less it still happens, sometimes a glass of water sets it off 🙄
I’m peri menopausal and I sometimes think it’s affecting my digestion and that in turn is aggravating my heart and other times I just think I’m going mad 😂
Oh my days....all I can say is "snap" ...I can't work out what is menopause, what is stomach, what is heart and what is just a whole new joy😕 I am with you re the water too although changing my diet has helped. I have also decided to invest in the new food marble Aire....although it hasn't arrived I can't really be sure which are my trigger foods. Fingers crossed it will help with that 🤞🤞🤞
Do you mind if I ask how old you are? I’m 46 and I feel like I’m just at the start of it all 😩 it was actually my husband that noticed the digestion problems and heart problems seem to be exacerbated by my menstrual cycle. My cycle has always been my main trigger for my arrhythmias but now the digestion thing is really impacting my heart. Sometimes it feels like just the act of eating or drinking itself is the problem.
I’ve never heard of the food marble Aire, what is it?
Me too Kellyjelly! Sometimes l am afraid to eat ANYTHING! Probiotics and digestive enzymes seem to help. I’m a bit older than you ... fifties ...
Isn’t it awful, it really impacts my life. If I go away with my husband or go and visit my daughters I never know what to eat, as a family we have always lived eating out and sharing food but now I have to avoid quite a few things and just when I think I know what’s causing it the damn thing will start with a glass of water.
I am 57.... So hopefully getting closer to diminishing Meno stuff 🤞🤞🤞. The food marble is a devise invented by an Irish lad whose partner suffers from uses your breath to get readings after eating certain foods and sends the readings to an app on our is reported to be able to give you data on which foods effect you most. I ordered mine the other day so haven't had it yet but I ordered the add on pack to test for fodmap groups because I felt much better when eating a low fodmap diet but am uncertain as to which godmaps are my triggers. I have high hopes that it will help 😁 🤞my digestive issues and heart issues are certainly linked (although the hospital haven't joined the dots yet)
More digestive I think. Something you ate or drank which your gut really didn’t like. And remember that digestive issues are connected to AF so the fact that you didn’t go into Af is really great.
Best wishes CD
I agree. I think it was linked to Digestion. I had a similar situation with Shrimp. I had a shrimp dinner and about 30 minutes later full AF. Really? I also think that if your post menopausal or approaching or are in, that is an issue for AF from hot flashes or just heat. Stimulation of the Vagal nerve can really be a culprit. Hope your feeling better!
Thank you!
Thank you everybody!!!