Status Update Post-atrial Cardioäblat... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Status Update Post-atrial Cardioäblation:

PrinzMongo profile image
3 Replies

Had rapid atrial quivering/fibrillation develop in Feb '21 while I was focused on avoiding a second heart attack after having had a major one 9½ years earlier. Got put on meds to see if AFib could be managed that way but worsened to the point that by Aug, my heart was tracked at 244 BPM and I'd collapsed four times after light exertion. Had a cardioäblation mid-August and promptly recovered normal sinus rhythm. Over the course of a year, basically AFib free (an AFib reading once/twice a month and one prolonged 15 min bout once after I stayed up till 3-4 a.m. once... stopped doing that, that's for sure.) Had an echo cardiogram in November which showed I'd recovered 15-20% ejection fraction to 50-55%. And, unexpectedly, diminished scaring from my heart attack 10 years ago.

Both EP and lead cardiologist put me back on metoprolol, valsartan, lisinopril with the result I've traded tachycardia for bradycardia (43-52 BPM) and even lower BP (106/62 mm Hg yesterday). I've intentionally lost another 15-20 lbs/7-9 kg on top of the 100 lbs/45 kg I'd lost since the heart attack because I understand that lower weight can discourage return of AFib. Continuing to eat whole-food, vegan diet with no added oil-sugar and nearly zero added salt as well. Resumed my 5 mi/8 km walking regimen six times a week.

Yesterday, I walked to and back my EP in the course of my 'daily' walk and he said no reason to continue our relationship unless AFib revisits itse'f. He was ready to cease the lisinopril in response to low heart rate/blood pressure, but I'm going to have my lead cardiologist weigh in on that decision, too. (PS: we did stop it - feeling much better.)

So, in closing, I chalk my favorable outcome to persistent, consistent, and pronounced healthy lifestyle choices, and my fortunate response my body has had to the management my EP and cardiologist have put me on. Staying on Eliquis because I fully understand I'm not cured and I wouldn't be surprised if I'm having occasional AFib that I don't notice which could bite me in the arse with a stroke. I also will continue to monitor this AF community to contribute my experience and learn from what y'all share here. Best wishes to all... be well.

Postscript (25 May 2022):

Day before yesterday, solo-hiked highest peak in California south of Mt Whitney, San Gorgonio. Twelve hour hike, 21 mi/39 km, 4,620 ft/1,410 m ascent to 11,503 ft/3,506 m. Not sure I whether I maintained NSR through out because I wondered whether my sweat was causing the intermittent weird readings on my Galaxy-4 AFib monitor. It did get my attention and I slowed my ascent a bit to 'baby' my heart. Lesson learned is to bring my Kardiamobile as a backup on future mountain hikes. My heart has been NSR ever since I came off the trail. Having tackled that peak, giving serious thought to climbing Mt Whitney next summer. -pm

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PrinzMongo profile image
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3 Replies

It was a real pleasure reading your post! Loosing weight is the best move AF patients can make, but most do not have the endurance to achieve this. I know that 67% of Americans and, strangely, also 67% of British are overweight, but will die puzzled on why the percentage is the same, lol! All the best!

BobD profile image

Well done and a great endorsement for all we promote.

lovetogarden profile image

Wow! Very impressive! I hear my treadmill calling, I can’t yet do 5 miles a day though! Just love that you walked to your cardio appt! Wish my cardio wasn’t 12 highway miles away. I’d love to walk there. Good job you!

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