Sat with my box of Flecainide feeling... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Sat with my box of Flecainide feeling nervous…..

AntBrit profile image
29 Replies

So im 43, had a AF attack in Jan 2021, blue lighted to hospital with a irregular heart rate of 210 bpm, given Flec, and returned to NSR, and was went home.

I’ve only had 1 other episode since then (last week, felt a flutter and then my heart raced to 155 bpm, and settled within 2 hours).

I’ve had ECGs, and a heart ultrasound which all returned fine structurally etc.

Doc has diagnosed Paroxysmal Afib in May (I didn’t get the letter so didn’t even know until last week).

Now been prescribed 50mg Flec twice a day - and reading some of the possible side effects, I feel nervous!

Im assuming I should just put my faith in the doc and start taking them??

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AntBrit profile image
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29 Replies
meadfoot profile image

I was converted back to NSR in hospital with intravenous Flecaininde having been blue lighted in with a heart rate of 298 beats per minute, a horrendous experience. Was diagnosed with SVT. I had already been diagnosed a few years before with Afib. I was then put on 100mg twice a day flecainide to go alongside my atenolol beta blocker.

My side effect in the first few days was vision disturbance rather like flashing lights from a migraine. As I moved from one form of light to another or light to dark then the flashing would start each time, it passed within a few days. No other side effect.

I stayed on flecainide regularly for a couple of years with no issues and then was recommended by my EP that I could use it as pill in the pocket instead, ie take it if and when an episode of Afib or SVT started. Try it, see how you go with it. A structurally sound heart is required to be able to take it but as you say your heart, as mine, is healthy, best wishes.

Good afternoon AntBrit, Flecainide usually has few side effects, you may like to view our info sheet on it here: if you would like any further advice or support please feel free to contact our Patient Services Team on 01789 867 502 or email:

BobD profile image

If you don't why even go to the doctor's? You have had the tests to check you are suitable so go for it.

Banquo profile image

Hey AntBrit,I was on in Fleicanide and a beta blocker after my cardioversion a couple years ago. Over the previous couple years my AFib episodes had slowly increased..culminating in a hospitalization and eventually cardioversion. Was on Fleicanide and beta blocker then successfully for a year, before I began to have AFib episodes about every month or so. Now,my doc told me that the meds were temporary at best .. he said I should get a year, maybe 2 if lucky, before the AFib win out again. Dead on...after a year here came the all familiar AFib every now and I was referred off to an electrophysiologist and I elected to have an ablation procedure. I'm currently recovering from that and hoping by this summer to be AFib free and drug free. It's been an interesting and not altogether pleasant ride!

Fleicanide seems a very standard try in the rhythm meds...some folk don't respond to it at all and have to try something else. Others like me tolerate it fine and it does successfully buy time and I had a very active lifestyle while on it . as scary as some side effects sound..some of the other rhythm meds are way worse. My opinion, should you choose to accept it, take the Fleicanide and ride it as long as you can...every option has its potential side effects and downside...this condition like so many others is basically a balancing of play the percentages and usually go the most conservative possible until it doesn't work.

Good luck to you and hope your journey goes well and smoothly in this mysterious AFib crud! :)

Hylda2 profile image

I took 100 of Flecainide twice a day for a number of years and it gave me my life back

wilsond profile image

Your heart is structurally sound,but has erratic electrics.Flecanide has been used by millions for years,including me,and my 12 year old god daughter since age of 3.

Put the warning leaflet in the bin and take the maintance dose,thus avoiding lengthening AF episodes.

You may still eventually find that the dose needs to go up,as AF tries its best to break through,but better than unexpected events!

Elizka profile image

I just started the same medication for  Paroxysmal Afib dx on Dec 1st. I'm staying on it until I make more lifestyle changes that I hope will reduce the need for medication. Honestly, it reduces my anxiety to take it.

LadyLawson profile image

Do as the doctor orders and keep them informed and updated about your symptoms. When I was on the same dose of Flec as you I didn’t have a single side effect.

Samazeuilh2 profile image

It’s always frightening changing to a new medication: particularly an AF medication when you don’t know for sure whether it will control your symptoms or give you side effects. Your consultant and a pharmacist should be able to give some probability of how likely this is in your particular reference class. But it is essentially a shot in the dark. On a positive note I would have thought that there was a excellent chance of tackling any problems that might arise by trying another medication.

Maymuna profile image

Hi, I chose to make lifestyle changes first and foremost and only recently started using Flecanide as a pill in the pocket ie take it once an episode starts as it reduces the time you are in Afib. But you need to take it on an empty stomach. My consultant at Barts knows my thoughts on medications and suggested this as a suitable option at this stage. So if you feel nervous taking it every day then use the PIP method first and see how things go? Otherwise take the advice of others on here to possibly avoid future episodes altogether at present. Afib does progress but you can learn to live with it so that the episode days are days you rest well. And the majority of the other good days you're blessed with, you make healthy choices and make the most of them! Use the search button here to read as much as you can on the subject and check out very useful YouTube videos by Dr. Afib, Dr Gupta and others. Then decide what is best for you individually.

Poochmom profile image

I was prescribed 50 mg Flecainide twice daily. I took it for three days and it caused a whole other arrhythmia for me. I couldn’t take it. My EP then told me to take it as a PIP and it worked like a charm for that! I did that for about 8 months then had a mini maze so now off of it.

secondtry profile image

Yes take them....... but also work on lifestyle changes the biggest being reducing stress and improving gastric status particularly important if you have a sensitive Vagus Nerve (you find this out if stress/foods/temperatures trigger an episode).

Start a diary of what you take incl supplements and events, starting with any deductions as to what may have caused the Jan '21 episode.

Singwell profile image

Been on it for over 2 years. A few weird spells whilst uploading it but worth it. It's a good anti arrhythmic medication. One size doesn't fit all so be watchful and report anything unusual to your GP and to cardiology

BorderMLH profile image

please do not feel nervous, I was diagnosed with the same AF a few years ago, but it became more frequent, I was then put on 50mg twice daily of Flecainide, alongside my bisoprolol, I had a few dizzy turns to start off with and a jumpy HR from time to time, but honestly I was stable until this year where I went into permanent AF. I then had a Cardioversion 3 weeks ago which I am ok (ish) have my days of going into AF but it does seem to return to normal after a day or so. I still continue to take my medication until my 6 week follow up with my AF nurse. I am also on the waiting list for an ablation, which they are bringing forward due to my A&E visit before the Cardioversion! Hope all this helps! AF is a pain the butt, but it isn’t life threatening and even when I’m in full blown AF, I walk my dogs a good few miles… so keep positive & keep smiling 🙂

FindingCaradoc profile image

My original situation was similar to yours-diagnosed with paroxysmal AF at 45 in 2005 - I had very few episodes and had Flecanide as pill in pocket for 7 years-then took 100mg BD reduced to 50mg BD - I found it suited me OK.

BeeBee79 profile image

I would always take doctors advice and I know personally know 2 doctors who both successfully take Flecanide but for me personally, it didn’t work in fact it exacerbated my symptoms. I’ve tried it twice and it just wasn’t for me. Having said that, nothing seems to be working for me whether it’s medications, cardioversion, ablations so I’m probably not the best person but that was my experience on Flecanide.

I’m sure it will work for you as it does for most people! ❤️

Dr-Gohan profile image

Hello BritAnt, Much to be learned from the comments above. One thing about Medications, there are so many to choose from that I have found "Just be honest with your doctors" They have something that will work for you. I have had to face Medication changes some the first week and others a year or two later. The most important for you to do is reduce stress and, in my humble opinion, that begins with Life Style changes. Avoid toxic News, People and foods.

Research online as suggested and learn how your body uses what you put into it. Every Medication and every bit of food and drink. I was in fear and tiptoed around for months, afraid I would set off another episode of AFIB. Now 21 months after CryoAblation I have lost weight and walk my dog . Walking is great excercise, even for short 1/2 - 2 miles is just fine. Really, you"ll know what works for you. Thanks for reaching out to this forum it's a life saver.

listerines profile image

Can only speak for myself but been on flecainde 50 x2 then 75 x 2 for a few years now. I have had no issues/ side effects with the medication and it has helped keep my heart in NSR (certainly not perfect, but far greater stability than without). That said certain medications may not agree with you so keep a journal of any side effects you might encounter for the first few weeks you are on the medication.For what it is worth I did not get on well with sotalol - dropped my heart rate to low 40s and made me feel like a zombie - could not get off that med fast enough... Hope have no ill effects from the flecainide and that it brings you peace of mind and greater quality of life.

Patchwork123 profile image

Unfortunately I had to stop taking flec a few months ago after being on it for about 18 months it had weakened my heart muscle EF 40-45% I am still taking bisoprolol and they have now added ramipril and a statin and the usual apixaban, I have another appointment with my EP early in the new year to see how I’m getting on and if an ablation would benefit, I haven’t had any episodes since stopping flec so hoping I stay symptom free.

Cha275rL profile image

Have you been prescribed an anticoagulant. You most probably have, but if not, talk to your doc about it. Good luck.

DebbiB28 profile image

Morning. I have recently been in a similar situation with fear around this medication. I was prescribed 50mg once a day for ectopics that were quite frankly ruining my quality of life, I too was very nervous about taking the flecainide and began by cutting one in half!! I then took one every couple of days and ended up once a day. I wish I had been braver sooner - don't want to rock the boat but they have been a godsend. Very few ectopics each day and my confidence is growing cautiously. I can only say give it a go - I read the leaflet etc., and frightened the life out of myself - in my case no need. As someone on here rightly said to me - what have you got to lose? Yes I had/have what I assume are side effects but they seem to be drifting away - dizzziness, weak/shaky legs and arms, little nausea.. I'm even looking forward to a glass of fizz on xmas day! Give it a go!

manabouttown profile image

I have had exactly the same symptoms as you- ie paroxysmal AF.I have been on 2 tabs of Flecainide daily plus one blood thinner- Rivaroxaban.

So far so good,the meds ,thank God,are working with no side effects.I have a full blood check every year and everything is normal.

I would continue with the Flecainide and try and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Good luck.

AntBrit profile image

thanks so much everyone, this has been so so helpful, I’m very appreciative for all your time

Lewis1234 profile image

Hi. I'm very surprised that they are suggesting Flecainide after only 2 episodes in 2 years for Lone PAF, I am 58 and have had over 30 episodes in last 5 years and am on no medication at all, except Bisoporal as a PIP, I just sit episodes out and so far self-correct after 8-20 hours... I believe GPs don't normally prescribe Flec without a Cardiologists go ahead? I would have thought having as a PIP would be more likely than taking it daily? But as I am completely medically untrained... what do I know? Hope it all works out for you.

irene75359 profile image

I was prescribed the same dose as you, I didn't have any side effects, but like you my episodes were so infrequent my GP was happy for me to use flecainide as a PiP (pill in pocket, taken as and when needed). And that is exactly what I have done for the last five years. My GP did say that if my episodes became more frequent we would have to review the PiP approach, but so far (big touch wood) it wasn't happened. I also take 1.25mg bisoprolol along with the flecainide as on its own it can cause other disturbances.

Morzine profile image

well I’ve been on flecainade since the start of afib, I think the side effects list can be off putting as can the side effects list of all drugs, we’d never take anything if we were frightened of the “ what if this happens…”

I feel it changed my life, never got another afib while on it. I was like you, had the initial attack then just a couple more….took flecainade and it took the worry away,

I had an ablation since and they still kept me on it in case it happened at night….I’ve now been weaned off….id happily go back on it if need be.

If doc says have it why not take it…. After all if you feel it’s giving side effects you go back to doc. Try not to worry about it.

Best wishes


jd2004 profile image

I was on flecainide for 7 years but after AFib returned I was told to stop. (2 x100 daily) . Still troublesome. Eventually put on lower dose (2 x 50 daily). With Bisoprolol (1 x 10) it seems to do the job. Can’t say I’ve noticed many effects apart from what it’s supposed to do. So far so good but never can tell.

DawnTX profile image

there are side effects to everything how are you feeling? If you read side effects for things they all sound the same no matter what you’re taking medication for. You have to do something or you’ll end up like last time. Only you and your doctor can really make a decision about what you are taking but if it seems to be working for you and you don’t feel badly I would say keep going on the way you are and be thankful if you have no events. I just went through a six-month period of constant HR in the 150s it was stopped by a cardioversion but not long enough. I am going to be in the ICU to be tested on a very strong new medication. I am not thrilled I don’t even know if I’ll be home for Christmas but the way I feel it doesn’t matter where I am right now I feel so terrible. It’s a matter of choices is always in life. Prayers that you stay without a fib for a while

Jmbrph profile image

I had paroxysmal AFib for 8 years: flecainide 100mg BID until worrying about long term side effects, started using it as a PIP until volunteering for new pulse field ablation surgery a year ago. Haven’t had anything but a few ectopics since then. Anxious for FDA to approve it. Yeah!

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