My main concern with my newly prescribed bisoprolol is the poor quality sleep. Also have a swooney sensation and various other side effects. I'm semi retired but still work and worried this is now impacting on that. Sorry to keep asking questions on here but am new to all this, still waiting for diagnostic tests....cardio phone appt Saturday so just wanted any anecdotal experiences people have regarding meds. If all BBs are the same re sleep maybe another type is needed. The only positive is the palps have stopped. Many thanks.
Do all beta blockers cause sleep dist... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Do all beta blockers cause sleep disturbances?

It can take a while for the body to adjust to taking beta blockers which is why it’s best to start on a low dose and slowly increase until heart rates etc improve. For some, the side effects from Bisoprolol can be difficult but it’s an effective drug and worth giving it a chance. There are alternatives, but these generally have to be prescribed by a consultant because most GP’s are limited to offering Bisoprolol. When I first took it I had sleeping issues but I don’t know whether this was due to the medication or the general anxiety of being diagnosed with a heart condition. There’s a few things worth trying such as slightly raising the head of the bed and maybe using pillows in the shape of an inverted V which can help limit moving about. I also used the ‘sleep’ function on the radio alarm which helped as a diversion.
AF is what we call a mongrel condition, it’s different for different people therefore not everything you will read or find out about it will necessarily apply to you but improving your understanding of AF should help. Take a look at the link below and use it to help you to find out more…..hope it helps

Thank you flapjack. Someone recommended melatonin supplements as BBs inhibit this sleep enhancing hormone.
There was a recent post regarding taking Melatonin - best avoided if you have AF
Gosh, I didn't know that, I advised a new Spanish forum member to try Melatonin is available everywhere in Spain. Have gone back and directed him to your link.
All the recent posts connecting melatonin and afib have been based on a single study involving 2 (two) patients in a non-peer reviewed journal. I have not found any other reputable articles to back this study. However there is a plethora of articles that state melatonin is beneficial to "heart health". 2 of the many references follow:
• (peer reviewed, 217 references.
Accepted. I would refer your comments to the original poster in the link I posted who was commenting that they had recent AF episodes which was attributed to taking Melatonin.
In my experience for every study demonstrating an affect there will be at least one other study demonstrating an opposite affect. I was advised to not take Melatonin and as at that time it was not an OTC product, my GP wouldn’t give me a prescription, but that was some years ago and I don’t know if the situation has now changed. I know I always bought my supply in US where they were an OTC med but haven’t taken it for about 20 years now since I stopped travelling to and fro so frequently - I was taking it merely to reset my circadian rhythms after Jet Lag.
Hated Beta Blockers - I couldn’t tolerate them at all - the affects were horrendous for me. And yes you are correct - they lower the amount of Melatonin but the affects of Melatonin are is they can induce arrythmias, vicious circle.
Please if you don't mind let me know what sort of effects you experience d on Biso. Did you find an alternative? Many thanks.
It’s too complicated and unconnected to AF as I have several more serious conditions for which any heart medications are contraindicated - so no alternatives. I was just very sick whilst taking any heart meds.
I improved dramatically when I stopped taking them and I had absolutely no ill effects regarding my heart but I now have a Pacemaker which more or less sorted my various arrythmias.
I am not sure of the quality of sleep but on both Bisoprolol and to a lesser extent atenolol, I struggled to keep awake! 1.25mg Bisoprolol and I was asleep in 40 minutes!
We are different in our reactions to drugs.
I thinks it's a known side effect of all betablockers. I have poor sleep regardless of bisoprolol, sadly, so you have my sympathies. Most drug-related side effects do diminish once the body become used to the drug, so, with luck, your sleep pattern will resume.
I've been taking bisoprolol for several years. For me, bisoprolol induced first a brief period of not sleeping long or easily, and then this was followed by about two or three months of intense surreal very technicolour dreams and sometimes (not often) nightmares. All this settled down later and now I sleep normally. Since my ablation last year, I've just been told I can reduce the dose of bisoprolol, maybe my sleep quality will go the other way and be fantastic?
I've been on Bisoprolol 2.5mm twice daily for several months now and have experienced disrupted sleep with vivid dreams and excess nasal secretions about an hour after taking a dose. I tried coming off it gradually for a while when my heart returned to normal rhythm but had to go back on it when I went into PAF again so it seems to work and I'm just putting up with the side effects now. I think all BBs will have side effects of one sort or another so for me it's a case of 'better the devil you know'. Hope that is useful!
Hi I've never slept properly since my quad heart bypass in 1989, was on Amias first with atorvastin, then had a small heart attack 2004 was a small blockage nothing to worry about, then they changed it to bisoprolol, roll forward to 2013, I went to the pub like usual had my usual 3 pints Guinness and two double House vodka and lemonade, I thought the vodka tasted strange but thought no more of it till I woke up pulse skipping and very fast went to doctors three weeks later she sent me to hospital was diagnosed AF put on warfarin and bisoprolol had cardio version 3 months later all was fine for two years then heart was so slow and had ectopics so dropped me down to 2.5 twice a day, then dropped it down again to 2.5 daily, now 6 months later 1.5 now heart was 45 bpm so now no bisoprolol, so just on 3mg warfarin, atorvastin and lanzaprolol, all ok but still don't sleep well, I'm a working plumber at 78 will be 79 this month lol but I have a sleep for an hour about 5 pm, hardly any alcohol now just maybe a pint now twice a week, hope u get sorted