I had a successful ablation seven months ago. I am now on Losartan blood pressure tablets and beta blockers I feel very strongly that the beta blockers are making me breathless and making it hard to get my fitness back. As I am asthmatic I am very aware of my breathing patterns. My cardiologist thinks that the breathlessness is due to lack of fitness caused by being in AF and then lockdown. This may contribute of course. He is reluctant to try another drug to replace the beta blockers. Has anyone had this experience and if so what drugs have replaced the beta blockers?
Beta Blockers: I had a successful... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Beta Blockers

Beta blockers are not advised for asthmatics to be honest and in any case if your ablation has terminated the AF then why are you still taking them? If for blood pressure there are other medications. More questions that amswers I know but this is a difficult scenario.
Thank you BobD I agree. I dont know why I am still taking beta blockers. I have asked for a consultation with cardiologist . I think the Losartan tabs are Ok My resting HR is 64-65 which is fairly low and that may be due to the beta blockers but I will question whether it matters if resting HR is a bit higher. Think with heart patients it is quite difficult to get the meds right.

Nebivolol is cardio specific but bisoprolol most definitely is not.
I was on the beta blocker bisoprolol and losartin a calcium channel blocker, the losartan never caused me issues , then had my ablation in 2019 and found the same, I struggled with endurance and shortness of breath, the bisoprolol was pointed to as the problem .So my EP stopped the losartan after 10 months and I've been much fitter since, for me it definitely impacted my aerobic fitness and made me breathless.
Coming off it was another thing, the "just stop it" advice they gave me wasn't as easy as it sounded. I had to titrate off over months as when I stopped cold turkey the side effects were very unpleasant to say the least .
Been off Bisoprolol around a year now, and after the experience I had stopping it I would not take it again unless there was absolutely no alternative.
Yes I had the same problem with Beta Blockers. I kept complaining that they were affecting my breathing and it was progressively getting worse, but I was told repeatedly that it was my 'condition' causing the problem. Eventually I was taken to hospital with suspected pneumonia. I had no infection and the problem was wholly down to the Beta blockers. I was diagnosed with COPD, but had had np problem prior to the Beta blockers! They do not suit everyone, but are always first choice as they suit most and are cheap.
I was changed to Angitil SR (diltiazem HCl) and have taken them for some years.
Keep pushing or you may end up with permanent lung changes.
Thinking about it - I'll put the link up again.
Bystolic (nebivolol) is included
Hi beta blockers gave me a tight chest and breathless on walking to. Also HR fellinto the low 40's even tho I was on the lowest dose. Switched to Verapimil. All OK except I'm still getting occasional high heart rate and lots of ectopics so not sure.
I am on Losartan and Amlodipine along with Beta Blocker Sotalol. As Dr. increased Beta Blocker, side effects increased until I had such constricted breathing it felt like Anaphylaxis with hands around my neck. I couldn't walk without being out of breath. I have Afib so I'm in need of anti-arrhythmia meds. I reduced the Sotalol in half by tapering off and added Magnesium, Alaskan Wild Fish Oil and Hawthorne Berry. My breathing is now back to normal and I am feeling much better going the natural route. My BP is fine as well.
Good for you!!!!!👏👏I just got a big bottle of Magnesium Taurate.Also taking Taurine by itself As well as a new Homeopathic regime. Fingers crossed.
This is my 9th week on Magnesium, Hawthorne Berry, Wild Alaskan Fish Oil and Co-Q10/L-Carnitine. I read it takes 8-10 weeks to show benefits. Last week, I went back into NSR! I am using the Magnesium Triple Calm of Taurine, Glycinate, and malate combo. I read the Taurine/Taurate is best for Afib. Good luck to you! Not sure which one helped the most but I am suspecting it was the Hawthorn Berry, fish oil and Taurate together. Let me know if just your Magnesium worked for you.
Hi Dee,So glad to know you are back in NSR!! For me it's like night and day. I'm either in sync with the universe, or I'm out. Right now I'm out, although it's more atrial flutter since the ablation from which I stayed in NSR for 71/2 mos.
Magnesium taurate is magnesium combined with Taurine I do believe. I also take Taurine separately. I never took Hawthorne because as I recall it was contra indicated if you're on Sotalol. Although it seems to be working for you. So did they give you Sotalal while you were in the hospital or were you prescribed by your doctor in the office? in my case they made such a big deal out of keeping me in the hospital while they put me on Sotalol but when it came time to go off of that they said " Oh, just stop taking it" I thought it was strange and that can't be good for the body after you've been on drugs for several years -- tapering off seems much wiser. I mean that's just common sense.
Thanks for your response. I have an appointment for a second opinion in a few weeks with the ablation specialist in NEW YORK who is supposedly the greatest in the states whose methods all the others adopt. We shall see. I'm so sick and tired of being sick and tired and I've got other health problems too so it's been a really really bad for years and I'm burned out from cardiologists in hospitals so I applaud you for taking matters into your own hands. Because if we don't we're at the mercy of this dehumanizing system. If you're in the UK that means you have the benefit of the NHS and in general the care is much much better. I know this because I have relatives over there. It's especially good in Scotland -- probably the best!
Cheers. Sparky
Hi Sparky,
I am located in Brooklyn, NY.
I was in need of hearing about other people's Afib experiences on this health forum since it was new to me in January. So it's been 6 months of Afib.
After 2 months in bad Afib, I had a Cardioversion in hospital but 2 weeks later Afib returned. As you said,
"I'm either in sync with the universe, or I'm out. Right now I'm out, although it's more atrial flutter since the ablation from which I stayed in NSR for 71/2 mos."
So sad to hear you are back in Afib flutter.
I had flutter 24/7 with Afib. My Cardiologist placed me on Sotolol when I was first diagnosed with Afib at his office. He started me on a low dose of 40 mgs. But I read that has no rate or rhythm control benefits. It was increased to 80 mgs. then 120 mgs. Each time it didn't work, they increased the dosage. I was getting so many bad side effects, including bad shortness of breath, nausea, lightheadedness, fatigue etc., that my doctor was going to change to a different beta blocker. I don't do well with meds.
It was then I realized with my health science background, I had to do my own research. While reading about Afib meds, I came across natural alternatives. I knew it was worth a try but no doctor would recommend this. I was taking a chance.
As the weeks passed, I reduced the Sotalol gradually to half the amount and added in the supplements. My flutter began to reduce from 24/7 to 4 or 5 times a day for 5-10 minutes. After 7 1/2 weeks, I woke up to find my heart rate was steady at 65.
I read on posts how often people went back into Afib after Cardioversions and ablations. I don't want to go that route. I read you can live with Afib. So since the supplements may have worked temporarily, as long as I now have a QOL, I will continue what I am doing. What is good for me may not be good for others. I was just tired of being tired too. I had enough of doctors and tests. And I had enough of meds and side effects. They all push the drugs where the risk is not worth the reward.
I hope the addition of your supplements help you to stay out of flutter. Please let me know if you experience good results. I would look forward to hearing good news.
Dee,You are playing my song! Leave it to a Brooklyn girl to get smart!
Because youbpaid attentionto your body and trusted your intuition, you saved yourself from the 8 years of hell Ive just been through which absolutely shredded me.
Yes - I had heard that nothing below 80 mgs is effective re Sotalol.
They started me on 80,which worked for about a yr and a half., upped me to 120 which worked for about 7 mos. Then she took me off and put me on Metropolol which I hated. And Eliquis of course and diltiazem at times too,
without going into my whole sad story, I am glad you are having success!!
I will see how the magnesium taurate goes. Your "rhythm power cocktail" is good to know about. Thanks for sharing about that. I will look into Hawthorn which had been contraindicated while on Sotalol or the blood thinner...can't remember which. At this point I'm on nothing so there's no reason not to.
I am struggling with multiple health problems including a really bad situation with my teeth and this has on top of the heart problem, been so debilitating I am unable to function and my life as I had known it is a far off memory. I'm a sing songwriter and all my projects are laying fallow because althpugh my pipes are fine, I have breathing issues, inflammed lungs and it's just been hell.
A friend referred me to her Naturopathic physician and I look forward to seeing her for a work up to hopefully unravel these medical mysteries going on inside my body.
It's good to meet another kindred spirit on this rhythm road. As a drummer as well as a singer I find it so strange that someone with so much natural rhythm has a heart out of rhythm!! 🤔 Makes no sense.
Let's keep in touch. Wishing us both a happy healthy heart. ✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖🌈🙏🥰✨👌Sparky
Hi to a fellow singing bird. I use to sing in Greenwich Village as a very young teen. So I do understand how the breathing affects you. I am a walker and having breathing problems affected my QOL along with the the other side effects.
You are correct about contraindicated affects of Hawthorn Berry and Sotalol. However from what I read, this supplement may reduce the effects of other meds or increase. I read the word, "May" and realized who was writing these articles, the health and Pharma companies! Of course they wouldn't want anyone to take supplements. Hawthorn Berry can act as a blood thinner, help the heart stay in rhythm and lower BP so if you are on other meds it may reduce or increase their affect. Hawthorn Berry also acts like a Rhythm control med. Since I tapered to half the dosage over time , I did not care if it reduced or increased effects. I would rather be off meds all together! Some of these supplements lower BP so I'm doing fine in that area too.
I read inflamed lungs is a problem but just wondering if you checked out supplements for inflammatory conditions, would that help? I am sure there are some good natural ways to clear up that problem. Once you see the Naturopathic Physician, I am sure she will discuss options. I am hoping you get your rhythm back soon! And I loved your last paragraph!
"We got Rhythm. We got music", La, La, La
Best Wishes
Small note: I am now using Losartan for HBP. It's working well. I had used hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ pill) for years. Turns out hydrochlorothiazide can cause Uric Acid to be retained in the body. My uric acid levels skyrocketed on HCTZ and immediately fell to normal levels on losartan. This is important for gout sufferers. Thought I'd pass that discovery on, might be helpful if you've got the gout.
Hello, after my third ablation in September which failed it was decide I was suitable for Pae and Ablate. First of all my consultant wanted to make sure that it wasn’t the Bisoprolol causing my symptoms. I’ve had AF for six years and gradually gone up to 10 mg. My consultant wanted me on Verapamil. When I first tried to wean of Bisoprolol I felt dizzy had awful headaches so gave up. Then I tried again about two months ago and have successfully gone on to it. I have had no adverse effects from Verapamil but have to say my persistent AF feels the same. I’m now going to have the Pace and Ablate fairly soon. Hope you find something to suit you.
He is wrong.