Hello All.
I wander if fasting is safe for people with Afib.
Has anyone fasted for extended period of time - let's say 2 to 5 days? If yes, did the fasting trigger Afib Episodes?
I am on Amiodarone (100mg/day) and Apixaban (5mg twice a day). Amiodarone keeps my heart in sinus rhythm for the most of the time. However, I still get Afib, on average once a month - but it lasts for much shorter period - 2 to 6 hours.
Once I fasted for about 24 hours. I felt amazing. My mental clarity, and physical energy increase at least five times. So I decided to do a vigorous exercise - felt amazing. But then during the workout my Afib was triggered - not sure what triggered it.
Can someone share their experience with fasting and Afib Episode.