Fasting: I normally fast for 36hrevery... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Nugger profile image
26 Replies

I normally fast for 36hrevery week but while I've been in afib I've only done it a few times & get low blood pressure & dizziness every time I stand up,so any ways,having a cardiovertion on Thursday & hoping to start fasting again but wondered if any one else fasts & if they think it's been a cause of afib,it's the wife moaning at me,she thinks it could be sending me into afib.

Only had one bout in 2.5 years,been fasting for a year once a week,first to loose weight & now to keep it off.

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Nugger profile image
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26 Replies
Hennerton profile image

Oh your poor wife! Give her a break and stop the fasting. Eat normal, organic, healthy, home cooked food with loads of fruit and veg and a smaller plate. Walk as much as possible (but at least three miles a day), plenty of lovely sunshine for Vit D, don’t do extremes of anything and live a happy life.

Nugger profile image
Nugger in reply to Hennerton

Can I still ride my motorcycle?

Hennerton profile image
Hennerton in reply to Nugger

Why not?

Nugger profile image
Nugger in reply to Hennerton

So Not To Worry THE Poor wife

Hennerton profile image
Hennerton in reply to Nugger

Quite right. She sounds like someone to be treasured!

CDreamer profile image

I really don’t think fasting is a trigger for AF. Eating yes, fasting for short periods, no.

I feel much better after fasting but I can’t fast for 36 hours as I need to take Meds for another condition which requires food in order to be digested - and therein lies the problem for many. If you are on anti- coagulants then some of the DOACs require at least 300 calories for good absorption so please be careful if you take any medications.

I try to do the 5/2 - limiting calorie intake for 2 days a week, ensuring I have 12-14 hours a day of no food and use homemade veg smoothies on a 2 day. I also have low BP but not just when in AF - I started increasing my salt intake which has improved things.

I think the problem has been that we all eat too much, too often. We were designed for fasting and every major religion in the world adopted the practice. Certainly full stomach, especially late at night trigger IS a trigger for AF.

What makes your wife believe it could be fasting that causes AF?

Nugger profile image
Nugger in reply to CDreamer

She's just grabbing at straws,the best bit is she's started fasting & lost loads of weight & here's me sticking it on lol

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Nugger

Weight loss can only be good for your overall & Heart health.

Nugger profile image
Nugger in reply to CDreamer

Just what I think,does my head in looking at all these overweight people filling there faces.

I have many friends that can't stop drinking & border line diabetics & say to me, fasting ? Can't see point in that lol

Hi Nugger. Actually it seems a no brainer to stop fasting for a few weeks and just see for yourself whether it's a trigger for your AF. Why would you continue with something that is aggravating your wife, and possibly your heart too when simply stopping it to see would be so simple?

There are other ways in which to maintain weight whilst you are not fasting, so why on earth not find one whilst you do this simple experiment?

Nugger profile image

What a pain,can't fast,no tea or coffee,no alcohol,no chocolate,cardiologist even said keep away from decaf!

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Nugger

I do all of above - except decaf - been through stopping all of them - made absolutely no difference in the longer term. Only thing I would say is if you have an immediate reaction to any one food you may want to avoid it. I learned there are some things that are individual to you - for me it’s quinine - so no gin & tonics, gluten, cows milk & very sad to say whiskey. Otherwise keep calm & live the best life you can.

Life IS for living so moderation is the key word - in everything.

Chocolate is fine as long as it is 70% or above but avoid sugary food & drink and avoid anything that says low fat on it or diet. The additives are worse than what they are replacing. Stay organic, mainly plant based and eat little and at least 4-6 hours between meals.

Nugger profile image
Nugger in reply to CDreamer

I agree apart from the chocolate that as caffeine in it,I do know that caffeine gets my heart bouncing lol

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Nugger

It doesn’t seem to affect me - but decaff coffee did. Different strokes for different folks.

irene75359 profile image

Quite often I don't eat for many hours and it certainly isn't deliberate fasting, I get totally involved in what I am doing and think 'I will eat when I am finished this' and time passes. However, three years ago I had a couple of funny turns where I was dizzy and confused and on both occasions an ambulance was called. Low blood sugar was proven both times and I was then investigated for a possible insulinoma that may be causing my hypoglycemia. All tests proved negative, and the surprising thing was that the (three) consultants at the hospital and my own GP saw no harm whatsoever in my eating habits but said to carry a snack to eat should I get dizzy when out and about.

I should add that I have a healthy appetite, and any AF episodes I have had have never been connected to days where I haven't eaten. If fasting is being effective in maintaining your weight loss then you have done really well. But see what your doctor thinks before you start again. Best of luck!

Nugger profile image
Nugger in reply to irene75359

Many thanks for the input

JaneFinn profile image

Hi Nugger, just wondering if you’re taking any meds? There can be contraindications with fasting when you’re taking certain medication. I noticed my bisporolol has a ‘precaution’ comment about strict fasting. So it’s maybe worth checking, if you’re on meds, as CDreamer mentioned.

Anyway, regarding causes of AF, I agree with others that eating too much and too often is a much more likely cause of AF than fasting. However, (irrespective of meds) I do often start getting a jumpy heartbeat when I fast 24 hours, I sometimes wonder if it’s electrolyte related - but I have no rational explanation!

Hope the cardioversion is successful :)

Nugger profile image
Nugger in reply to JaneFinn

Never knew that about bisoprolol which I take 10mg.

JaneFinn profile image
JaneFinn in reply to Nugger

Interesting! I wonder why there’s a warning about fasting ... might be worth asking a pharmacist!

I had always regularly fasted as part of my faith, but after reading the advice on the patient Information sheet, I now make sure I have some food within a 24 hour period, even if it’s very light.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to JaneFinn

I think that is very sensible Jane. I am pretty sure that the contraindication around meds is about absorption of the active ingredient. Some meds need food to be properly absorbed, some - like Flecainide need an empty stomach and some can cause side effects such as bleeding without a lining on the stomach - asprin for instance.

When people talk Ablate it fasting they think of extended periods of days or even weeks but a 24 hour period can mean noon to noon - which always suited me.

JaneFinn profile image
JaneFinn in reply to CDreamer

Thanks CDreamer, that’s very helpful x

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to JaneFinn

That should read ‘about’ not Ablate 😂

JaneFinn profile image
JaneFinn in reply to CDreamer

Ha I guessed! It always makes me laugh when my autocorrect opts for what it thinks is the most likely word i’m aiming for - and comes up with something wildly inappropriate! 😁

Nugger profile image

Think after dealing with doctors that don't know much or can't be bothered we have to take our health into our own hands,like coming on here,just imagine in the old days, yes doctor,no doctor lol

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Nugger

Don’t need to imagine - lived through it!

madametobacco49 profile image

Hi--I fast weekdays--I have my last meal at 7pm and nothing except some bone broth untill 11 am(bone broth is acceptable)--I eat 2 meals aday--I have to have that bone broth about 8 am--it also has some oilive oil,applecider vinegar--and a few other magical ingredients.. I eat 0 sugar--no bread,pasta,or garbage--Ive lost 38 lbs and feel pretty darn good most of the time--I actually have more energy and feel better with less eating. Protein and vegetables, a few berries now and then for a treat-always have boiled eggs etc for snackin-Easier than it sounds once the sugar addiction is past--no more growly stomach or blood sugar drops--It is for life with me--MmeT

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