Amiodarone: Hi I’m on Amiodarone... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Pinky100 profile image
56 Replies

Hi I’m on Amiodarone tablets since end of February for afib Unfortunately I’m still in afib with the coronavirus I don’t think I be seeing my consultant anytime soon I have just 2 weeks left of the tablets started on 3 a day for a week then 2 a day for a week now on 1 a day for 28 days not sure if I carry on taking the tablets my doctor not sure said she will try and contact my consultant

Amiodarone Don’t seem to be doing nothing for me has it got anyone out of afib ? has anyone stopped taking them ? if so how is it done do you get weaned off tablets or just stop taking them


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Pinky100 profile image
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56 Replies
Jalia profile image

Sorry to hear all this. You should wait for instructions from your GP. However I've been on this drug several times, the last time before an ablation and I just stopped the drug, was not weaned off.

The only time this worked to get me out of AF ( at 160bpm) was about 27 years ago , my first episode. Cardiologist wanted to admit me to prepare for cardioversion but I resisted so was given 14 days supply of Amiodarone with the proviso that I would agree to hospital admission if still in AF. I reverted to sinus rhythm on day 5.

Since then it has never worked in converting me , not even intravenously. I have only used it in an attempt to stay in sinus.

I do hope that this does eventually work for you.

Hope you're not feeling too unwell with the virus.

Best wishes


Pinky100 profile image
Pinky100 in reply to Jalia

Hi jalia

Thanks for reply it seems it won’t put me back in sinus rhythm did your ablation work for you ?

I had cardioversion 3 times they worked but only for few days then back in afib again

Jalia profile image
Jalia in reply to Pinky100

The ablation worked for a while. I've had 3 ablations which have, on the whole, made my symptoms less severe but I still get episodes.

It seems very likely that I now have corona virus so hope I can get through this at home and pray that I don't slip into fast AF. I am on day 4

Pinky100 profile image
Pinky100 in reply to Jalia

Oh no hope you feel better real soon the corana virus is a nightmare you from the UK ?

I’m looking to have a ablation when this corana virus is over

Jalia profile image
Jalia in reply to Pinky100

Thanks! I'm in UK. Also on list for ablation no 4....goodness knows when that may be but it is the least of my worries will all that is going on in the world. Surreal.

Lovetheoutdoors profile image
Lovetheoutdoors in reply to Jalia

I do hope your symptoms of the virus are mild. My daughter and grandson have it. My daughter mild and my grandson the cough. Take care.

Jalia profile image
Jalia in reply to Lovetheoutdoors

Thank you! Have awful cough....gradually getting less so. Had a very bad few hours on Sat confined to bed but got over it feeling dizzy, breathless. Hopefully on the mend....think tomorrow is day 6/7 ( losing count of the days ...😕😃)

Lovetheoutdoors profile image
Lovetheoutdoors in reply to Lovetheoutdoors

Take care. Get well soon x

Mickey16 profile image

Hi Pinky100, are you in the UK? If you are and you are feeling very unwell, perhaps you could contact 111 and see what they advise?

Best wishes.


Pinky100 profile image
Pinky100 in reply to Mickey16


Yes I’m from the UK I’m feeling ok just exhausted from the afib

Mickey16 profile image
Mickey16 in reply to Pinky100

Hi Pinky,

Regarding your questions about Amiodarone, it would really be best to speak to your GP or Consultant on the whys and wherefores, as they will talk through your individual health needs/status combined with your current illness.

Wishing you a speedy recovery Pinky.


Pinky100 profile image
Pinky100 in reply to Mickey16

Thank you

bennie06 profile image

The 3-2-1 is the loading phase and it looks as though you are being kept on Amio initially for an extra 3 weeks. So yes definately find out whether you are being kept on Amio with a maintenance dose. Also ask what happens if Amio does not convert you to normal rhythm, i.e. will you be given a DC Conversion. Also if you are staying on Amio make sure you get a blood test so that base line numbers are established.

Good Luck.

-Tony- profile image

Hi I started using these 6months into afib took a while but eventually came out of af after around 18 months consultant took me off them but inside a month was back in af.

Been taking them for arround 5years now and still in regular sinus rhythm.

Get very red and burnt in bright sunshine but other than that OK.

Nugger profile image
Nugger in reply to -Tony-

5 years yikes!

They had me on it for a few months & had to have regular blood checks & lung function tests, that shows you how dangerous this drug is, have you not asked about flecanide ?

boludo profile image
boludo in reply to Nugger

Hi,where are you situated?My local radiology wouldn't do a lung function test when I was sent for base line xray.I am in East Sussex area.

Nugger profile image
Nugger in reply to boludo

South Yorkshire

Pinky100 profile image
Pinky100 in reply to -Tony-


Thanks for reply

you took 18 months before Amiodarone converted you ? so it still can convert me

i hope it does

harrigate1 profile image

It's usual to have a cardioversion in conjunction with the Amiodarone treatment. Once you're on Amiodarone you're on it until any side effects force you off it.

lucycuf profile image

Hi I stopped taking this 3 weeks after my last (successful so far) Ablation. I did not wean off - I just stopped. Apparently can take over 1 month for them to get out of your system. I do not feel any different. they seriously affected my metabolism (slowed it right down to almost stop) and this sadly does not seem to have kick started again. Been off the tablets about 3 weeks.

Pinky100 profile image
Pinky100 in reply to lucycuf


Thanks for reply

glad your Ablation went well

Atriljohn profile image

Hi my consultant put me on amioderone years ago upset my thyroid grew larger boobs nipples became very tender painful and got sunburn within 30 mins and I normally just go brown. Had 3 ablations all never worked still in a fib

Stopped amioderone. Still on original tabs from hospital feel great. Bisoprolol spironolactone ramipril warfarin good luck to you I had heart failure in 2011 got a fib from this I'm now 68

Feeling good just worried about coronovirus stay safe

Pinky100 profile image
Pinky100 in reply to Atriljohn


thanks for reply when you came off Amiodarone did you feel better ? im just hoping it converts me back to sinus rythem

Mister_K profile image

Like everything else, opinions vary, especially among doctors. Due to the drug’s long half-life, it will remain in your body for up to two months. It also affects the thyroid gland. Don't ignore your thyroid. Get tested periodically, especially after taking the drug for a couple of months.

I would ask your doctor for a blood test to see if there are any impacts on your Kidney, Liver Thyroid or other area. Then once you get that ask for another in two weeks to see if the Medication is doing any damage to your organs.

julesp profile image

Never worked for me. Cardiologist took me off them. After my ablation I went into af for a few weeks 24/7 and cardiologist prescribed me Dronedarone instead of the Amiodarone. After 2 month I took myself off them and cardiologist was ok with my doing that. Ive only had short bursts of af since but they slowly starting to become longer. Not seeing cardiologist until June so wont know whats next

Pinky100 profile image
Pinky100 in reply to julesp


thanks for reply did you feel better when you came off Amiodarone ?

julesp profile image
julesp in reply to Pinky100

I didn't as it didnt help at all with the af. Thats why cardiologist took them off me as it was obvious it was getting more persistent. I struggled for year half after being took off them before my ablation eventually having the ablation done as "urgent" as I couldnt even walk a few steps due to symptoms.

engvey00 profile image

I have not been in afib since I started taking them 4 months ago but my lower legs and ankles have been swelling quite a bit. Has anyone else had this problem?

Pinky100 profile image
Pinky100 in reply to engvey00


thanks for reply

how long did it take before Amiodarone converted you back to sinus rythem ?

engvey00 profile image
engvey00 in reply to Pinky100

It didn't. They shocked it back to rythem. No issues since other than the med induced swelling.

in reply to engvey00

I fi

The first time I had Amio my ankles puffed up so they split the Micardis BP meds to morning and night that was 2 years ago, no problems

jim-business profile image

I am not a Dr. so I will not give you medical advice, just sharing my experience with amiodarone. Almost two years ago, I was in constant AFib along with hypertension. I had a cardioversion and a esophogeal Doppler. I was in normal sinus rhythm. I was discharged two days later on a holiday and a nurse practitioner that I never saw prescribed amiodarone. They said I had mitral valve regurgitation, severe. I stayed on amiodarone and Metropol for a year. I was on a heavy dose of each. I went on a salt free diet and lost 55lbs. My heart rate went down to the 30s and I was having breathing problems. The cardiologist refused to treat me unless I had open heart surgery for the valve repair. I don't have circulation problems however they wanted to do a bypass. About a year ago I decided to use my veterans benefits. They said I had moderate valve problems and advised me to cease those medications immediately. I wore a holter monitor for a month and my resting heart rate stays at 60. Does not go above 80. The amiodarone caused me to have pulmonary fibrosis and affected my vision. Now I'm back to normal working driving. Amiodarone is for ventricular fibrillation as a last resort. I might add I've never smoked and quit Alcohol 3 yrs ago. I only take lasix and thyroxine and warforin. I self test at home, I am79 yr old male. The VA cardiologist saved my life. Get a second opinion. Jim

cuore profile image
cuore in reply to jim-business

I am impressed with your intelligence and your ability to get a handle on good fortune. No wonder your heart rate went down to 30 with heavy doses of both the beta blocker Metoprolol and Amiodarone, an anti-arrhythmic drug. For that cardiologist to not examine your drugs (I assume) and insist instead to have open heart surgery is unpardonable. You are a classic example of why it is important to seek a second opinion when drastic surgery is recommended. Good for you. Keep up the good health.

engvey00 profile image
engvey00 in reply to jim-business

Thanks Jim. Glad they found something that works for you.

Shep30 profile image

I've been on Amiodarone for 11 years now with no major side effects. It was the only drug that controlled my Afib/Tachy/Brady. It does take quite a while to load your body with enough of it before it becomes effective. Maybe your doctor will put you back on 2 a day for a bit longer till it kicks in for you.

Pinky100 profile image
Pinky100 in reply to Shep30

Thanks for your reply good to hear you have no side effects from it I have been on Amiodarone for nearly 4 weeks not that long did it convert you back to a sinus rhythm?

Shep30 profile image
Shep30 in reply to Pinky100

Yes it did convert me back for most of the time..I’m now on 200mg a day..I’ve also been taking large doses of magnesium taurate each day for the past few months and it has really done wonders for helping keep my heart much calmer. Another af sufferer recommended it to me.

Pinky100 profile image
Pinky100 in reply to Shep30

How long did Amiodarone take to convert you ?

I’ve heard about magnesium does it help

With afib ?

Shep30 profile image
Shep30 in reply to Pinky100

Initially it took about a month , I still get breakthrough episodes of AF every few months.

Since taking large doses of Magnesium Taurate as well for the past 3 months, I have not had any AF. I have been taking Magnesium for years but never Magnesium Taurate and it has helped me tremendously .

cuore profile image
cuore in reply to Shep30

I am also taking Magnesium Taurate. What do you mean by large doses?

Shep30 profile image
Shep30 in reply to cuore

I've been taking 800mg per day

Apparently you can't overdose on this

cuore profile image
cuore in reply to Shep30

You might want to read the contents. I am taking 1000mg Magnesium Taurate, but only 200 mg are Magnesium. I get mine from Piping Rock

amyrosie profile image

It took exactly 6 weeks to the day for Amiodarone to get me back into NSR. I was really nervous at first, of taking it, because it is the strongest of drugs and the possible side effects. Apart from developing a sensitivity to sunlight I didn't notice any side effects. it worked well and kept me in NSR for 2 years but I then DID develop overactive thyroid and had to stop taking it. Sadly no other drug has ever worked and I am now in permanent AF. All the best Amyrosie

Pinky100 profile image
Pinky100 in reply to amyrosie

Sorry to hear your in permanent afib have you tried another drug ?

The side effects scare me too! i get shortness of breath hoping the Amiodatrone will help it I’m

Also on bisoprolol I’m sure these beta blockers are making me feel so tired

Hate having afib once it comes seems like we can’t get rid of it 😕

cuore profile image
cuore in reply to amyrosie

Were you never offered an ablation?

Pinky100 profile image
Pinky100 in reply to cuore

I had a appointment about ablation but been put on hold because of the virus 😕

Bambi65 profile image

my mom was put on Amiodarone by her cardiologist the first, and the ONLY time she was in AFIB. She had been admitted to the hospital during that time. The doc knew she had a previous thyroid issue and did no further testing on her. I begged her to go see a specialist for her thyroid problem. Her cardiologist said she didnt need to see anyone and that her afib was controlled. For months she was having horrible symptoms, exhausted, headaches, difficulty catching breath, and falling over to one side, etc. Finally after 11 months, I finally convinced her to get off the stuff. She got a thyroid doc who admitted her in the hospital immediately. That medicine nearly killed her and did damage to some of her other organs, Her AFIB was caused from a thyroid problem, and over the last year that cardiologist refused to refer her to anyone. She is on the mend now, and was told that had she stayed on the Amiodarone too much longer it would have killed her, as it has already done further damage to her thyroid, and liver.

cuore profile image
cuore in reply to Bambi65

Jim-business above, your mother's cardiologist, my friend's cardiologist, my one visit (I refused to ever have anything to do with him again) cardiologist who unfortunately inadequately trained my GP about AF , all have done damage to their AF patients. How sad to have such a high percentage!

JJHRT profile image

My experience with and knowledge of amiodarone is its very effective in maintaining NSR but not necessarily good for converting to NSR. You will most likely need a cardioversion.

Pinky100 profile image
Pinky100 in reply to JJHRT

Thanks for reply I have had 3 cardioversion and only keeps in NSR for a few days just hope the Amiodrone helps me

Davg7 profile image

I’ve been on Amiodarone since early September. It is a bear of drug. I started with a loading dose and have reduced it 3 times to 50mg/day. It took a month to stop my afib (with occasional short lived breakthroughs). The drug has a half-life of 2 months, it takes awhile for it to be effective and awhile to be release its hold. It has substantial side effects that last for awhile. I became emotionally and physically dulled and muted, it took 6 weeks at the reduced dose to regain physical and emotional initiative. I started it after my afib switched from every 2 weeks-lasting a couple of days to all-the-time even after 2 electro-conversions. I was planning on a ablation this spring after tests to clear me. I’m 67 male, living in the country in north New Jersey. Feeling good and strong.

You’ll want an excellent electrophysiology team associated with a major heart center hospital. My best and good luck.

Pinky100 profile image
Pinky100 in reply to Davg7

Thanks for your reply I have been on amiodarone for 4 weeks hoping it converts me dont feel it’s made me any better at the mo hopefully it does soon

Hope your ablation goes well this spring

And electrical cardioversion never last which is a shame mine never lasted

Just hate the shortness of breath that comes With afib 😕

Davg7 profile image
Davg7 in reply to Pinky100

Thank you. Stay well.

I’ll put off the ablation ‘til it’s safe to be sick.

Aside and of passing interest, don’t act on this. A very technical study I came across indicated that, in a test tube, amiodarone inhibits the SARS virus. Interesting but amiodarone can cause severe lung damage with long term use, and I don’t live in a test tube.

Pinky100 profile image

The side effects scare me I’m 47 hope I’m not on amiodarone too long there must be an alternative drug

Davg7 profile image

Flecanide, I was on it for 10 years effectively. First as a pill-in-the-pocket, then daily. It stopped being effective and may have slowed-damaged my hearts timing.

Tykasyn(sp?) requires a three day hospital stay to see if you survive the initial dose.

Metoprolol can help but not control it. I’m on a small daily dose after an aortic valve replacement 2 1/2 years ago.

A highly experienced EP who’s connected to a major heart center is needed. Your favorite GP is good to explain the terms from the experts.

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