I'm getting event every couple of days and have noticed my left food goes a bit numb. Anyone else notice this?
A fib every couple of days. - Atrial Fibrillati...
A fib every couple of days.
Hi Ethel.
I guess you mean a numbness in your left foot ?
I have noticed a numbness in my right arm when in afib. It's always at night - I don't know if it's afib related or my sleeping position.
As it happens I have also had a few problems in my left foot - again I don't if it's related to afib or just one of those things. I'll limp for a day and then it seems to pass as quickly as it comes on. So yes - in a way I can relate to it. Had it for a few years now on and off. It can have slight swelling at the same time also.
Maybe it's a worth mentioning to your medic and I'm sure others will help. I hope it sorts out for you soon.
Cheers Paul. How's your A fib. Has it resolved now?
Numbness or pins and needles? I get the latter first and the numbness later if I have a bad AF episode. It was worse when I was on beta blockers. Now I'm on Flecainide it doesn't happen as much.
Numbness in one foot could be sciatic nerve impingement in lower back. Do you have lower back pain ever? I've had it before .... and it comes and goes over the years. May not be related to the AFIB.
When I got AFIB every couple of days ... that's when it became decision time? What are you going to do? Manage it with meds ..... or ablation ..... or something else.
I chose ablation for my AFIB. Seems to have worked well, as long as you get a top EP.
Unfortunately seeing a specialist is proving difficult. Even GP is a fight. I saw a cardio privately now had a call from a NHS cardio but it was so quick I never got to ask many questions as he was the one asking about my symptoms. I have been referred to St Thomas Hospital in London but when I asked how long the wait would be he said I don't have any idea.
I thankfully have very little experience with your bureaucratic system in the UK and my experience has not been good.
If you report more distressing symptoms will it push you up higher on the list or will they just make plans to bury you? If the former, it makes the pathway obvious.
The numbness in my foot and leg always gets worse when l am in afib. It is one of my symptoms. I think it is to do with the circulation of blood and water retention.