Vaccine Now Available For Over 50s - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Vaccine Now Available For Over 50s

Barny12 profile image
23 Replies

Vaccine now open to all over 50s - NHS site updated over night. No need to letter or text from GP. This is last priority group in U.K.

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Barny12 profile image
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23 Replies
seasider18 profile image

Why do you not want the vaccine ? Catch Covid and you are a danger to your family, friends, work mates and the general public. Yet from your old posts you seem to be health conscious

Peony4575 profile image

The same NHS that you would expect to put theirs and their families lives at risk looking after you if you get a bad dose of Covid

Peony4575 profile image

The same NHS that my Intensive Care consultant daughter has worked relentlessly for for the last 12 months. The same daughter who caught Covid from patients due to inadequate PPE before testing and gave it to her 7 year old son and husband . Along with millions of hard working staff. A huge number of people have caught Covid in hospital and they have been trying to protect ill people from catching a life threatening disease

Taking immune supporting supplements is only incrementally better than relying on “God” .

Why should the taxpayer fund other people’s vitamin supplements ? That’s where the money for all this comes from not thin air .

I hope they bring in vaccine passports so apart from those who are medically exempt, the unvaccinated are not allowed access to any public spaces including shops . Why should the rest of us be put at risk by a cohort of people providing a reservoir for the virus to spread and mutate .

I bet you won’t shy away from calling 999 to summon aid from the same NHS you have just trashed .

I feel sorry for you having such a negative view

seasider18 profile image

The millions who have had it and those who have died that you are blind to.

seasider18 profile image

22/01/2021 · Ivermectin is used to treat many parasitic infections such as filariasis, soil-transmitted helminths, scabies and head lice, and it is relatively safe. The discoverers of avermectin, its precursor, received the 2015 Nobel Prize for their achievement. 73 Its antiparasitic effect involves an increase in parasite cell membrane permeability, a mechanism naturally irrelevant to viruses.

Peony4575 profile image

The vaccine is the route to freedom and relative safety . The first human right is the right to life which will be put at risk by unvaccinated people . And I do fully grasp the benefits of vitamins and minerals I take several and I expect to pay for them myself .And I have never “cheered “ lockdown but seen it as a necessary evil , and I don’t regard being vaccinated as “medical tyranny” I am very grateful to the clever people who have developed and produced the vaccines that will keep me and my loved ones safer from Covid . The only “awful future” I envisage would be a world without vaccines and where unvaccinated people are allowed to put the rest of us at risk by mixing with the rest of the people in confined spaces . If you think of all the awful diseases that have been eradicated by vaccination. Polio, smallpox , diphtheria , whooping cough, measles etc etc If that is medical tyranny then bring it on

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to Peony4575

Totally agree with you peony. We have 3 different jabs for 14 different potential threats in the first year of our life. No one ever seems to mention this. Without these vaccines/jabs a decent percentage of us would probably not even reach adulthood. Why does this latest vaccine in a very long list have to be the one that’s going to intentionally or unintentionally wipe us all out 🤔 doesn’t make any sense when you drill down into the details

Peony4575 profile image
Peony4575 in reply to Elli86

No sense at all

Desanthony profile image

Funny you should mention this as I already know a few 50+ but under 60's who have had it - with no underlying issues such as my son and his wife in their early to mid 50's had their jab nearly 3 weeks ago. They live in the Reading area so that area must have worked hard to get things done so quickly. It seems now things are going to slow down due to supply problems and no new appointments being made for first jabs after 29 March but they have promised that those of us waiting for our second jabs will get them in the correct time frame as stated. Lets hope everything keeps working so well.

Elli86 profile image

Of course it is 👍

Peony4575 profile image

If you don’t equate Covid to a killer disease given the millions that have died world wide am not sure what you should call it . And your masks might be filthy but mine are pristine . It seems you are not only an anti vaxxer but a Covid denier . it’s me that believes in the actual science and you in the voodoo etc . I have followed the actual science very carefully . Seriously you would describe the vaccines as being full of “who knows what” I think a great many people know exactly what’s in them . And the reason for the fear of the unvaccinated stems from them being a reservoir for the vaccine to reproduce and mutate . Mutations are the biggest problem in getting on top of this disease . We are not living in an episode of the X files but a real life global pandemic

Peony4575 profile image

Seriously . Your “evidence” is a publication that serves the State of Ohio ?

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to Peony4575

🤣🤣 🥁

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to Peony4575

And I present my latest piece of evidence...... written in crayola on the back of a fag packet 🤔

Ianp66 profile image

Had mine, and anyone who harbours these conspiracy theories or is just against it should appreciate that us who have, will be able to mix in pubs, groups , fly on holiday, and do other things they can't . Can see by the numbers in hospital its making a big impact and helping us move out of lockdown, the anti vaxxers don't hold much respect in my book. It's our route out of this pandemic, I appreciate some can't, but I see it as something we should all do for the greater good of all and to respect the NHS staff who have given us so much this past year .

seasider18 profile image

It seems to be for totally different minor conditions.

seasider18 profile image

Sure I'm 86 with problems that I am no longer being treated for.I filled in an online questionnaire for a GP consultation on Monday and have not had a call back yet and it is supposed to be replied to within four hours.

All of the NHS facilities should not have been thrown at Covid with the rest practically ignored. I only know of one hospital that has carefully segregated Covid from the rest of the hospital.

People are now afraid of hospitals in case they catch it. I was taken to our local A&E in the early hours of Sunday morning and I was the only patient there. Usually at weekends it is standing room only.

fabjabfab profile image

Thank you Barny that is very helpful, ill let my neighbour know. She doesn't drive so ill let her know ill be her taxi when needed :-)

Normally I stay clear of online arguments as it is very easy to stamp your feet behind a computer screen but I have read this thread with much amusement. Strangely I assumed this was a forum for those of us that struggle with AFIB . . .

But in the words of H. G. Wells "These germs of disease have taken toll of humanity since the beginning of things, taken toll of our prehuman ancestors since life began here. But by virtue of this natural selection of our kind we have developed resisting power; to no germs do we succumb without a struggle, and to many those that cause putrefaction in dead matter, for instance our living frames are altogether immune."

Basically we have earned our right to live on this planet in our fight against the dreaded virus. Part of that fight is our ability to protect ourselves. I'll say no more.

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to fabjabfab


Elli86 profile image

Londinium I’m going to ignore everything that’s been said thus far and start over (meditation is a superpower 😂👍)

Can I ask you a genuine question and I am genuinely interested in the answer? Do you think the government or some group of elites are out to get you/us and if so why do you feel this way and what has made you feel this way? I don’t just mean with the vaccine either I mean in general.

This question is not intended to sound like a piss take and like I say I am genuinely interested in the answer.

Yes this could probably be a question asked on another platform however I do not use any other form of social media and this is the only forum I am involved in. I am genuinely interested in the mind in general and the mindset of certain individuals.

If anyone feels this question is inappropriate or wants me to shut up then please feel free to tell me 🤣 I won’t take offence 😬

Peony4575 profile image

I know that when I was a little girl it was common to see children in the UK with full length callipers due to paralysis caused by polio and there are none now thank goodness ( or vaccine more accurately ). I don’t think the millions who haven’t died of Covid would be any consolation to the millions who have or the bereaved who have lost loved ones . Am afraid I have had enough of this conversation as I can see no merit in any of your assertions .

If you have the lung problems you describe and do not intend being vaccinated you had better stay in your house with the shutters closed because you are playing Russian roulette with your life . Which is I suspect why the kind and caring people from the NHS are going to such lengths to persuade you to have the vaccine. There are none so blind as those that will not see , as my father used to say.

Goodbye. We will have to agree to differ .

seasider18 profile image

It sure ain't as good as the proven vaccines.

Peony4575 profile image

Hi Barny, North West, my friend was vaccinated this morning .AZ vaccine . She’s well and happy and grateful to be vaccinated . Aged 53 no health problems

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