Hello my first post here, I'm booked in for ablation on the 8th March, can any one tell me how long you need to rest up after & do you stay in overnight after the procedure
thank you Theresa
Hello my first post here, I'm booked in for ablation on the 8th March, can any one tell me how long you need to rest up after & do you stay in overnight after the procedure
thank you Theresa
Hi and welcome.
I had my last ablation in 2014 so I don’t know what the procedure is now, for some it seems to be in and out the same day but I had an overnight for both my procedures.
Recovery is very individual, I felt so good within days after my 1st ablation that I overdid things and ended up back in hospital so beware and rest up for the 1st 2 weeks at least and that means doing virtually nothing too physical.
Here is a link to the fact sheet, written by patients who KNOW what happens, doctors tend to give you the best scenario eg: my resting HR took about 9 months to settle and was still above my pre-ablation number.
Recovery is a bit like a piece of string though, it’s so individual and the best thing you can do to help yourself is to be as fit as possible with a very positive outlook.
Hope it goes well - let us know as there will be plenty of support for you here.
Best wishes
This factsheet should help you prepare for the ablation. Good luck and please let us know how you get on........
Thank you very much, will read this & will let you know how I get on kind regards Theresa 🌈
This is great news for you well done I hope it works out really well.
I can only ( strongly) echo CDreamers advice to read the fact sheets on ablation preparing and recovering.
Two ablations last year for me first I stayed overnight second I went home on the day
First I was very anxious about but after it ( despite being a card carrying coward!) I had no more worry about the second than I would for dental work.
We are all different but for a week after plan to do nothing , and stick to the plan
Second and third week be really careful. Both things I felt great! And it was tempting to tidy the garage go for long walks etc. But don’t. Take it really easy and gradually get back to normal
One slightly negative point is manage your expectations for your first ablation, there is a big chance it will do the trick if so brilliant! But also a reasonable chance the EP may need a second go to sort you out fully. Plan for it to be successful because that is most likely , but have a mental back up plan that for some people ( like me) a further procedure is needed before you are sorted
Good luck
Hi I am due to have my first ablation on 2nd March have printed off the fact sheet today,only found out yesterday I was having it due to cancellation.