More strange “quivering”at night. - Atrial Fibrillati...

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More strange “quivering”at night.

2 Replies

About a year ago I posted something about episodes of an odd sensation in the vicinity of the heart -a sort of “quivering” sensation. These episodes-always at night-were fairly infrequent and didn’t last long, but last night I had the sensation all night long -I was aware of it as I drifted in and out of sleep. It started after about 20 minutes of lying down to go to sleep. The same thing happened again tonight-it commenced after about 30 mins of lying down. This follows an episode of PAF two days ago. As before, the “shivering/quivering” sensation doesn’t seem to be related to the beating of the heart. When I checked my pulse it was regular and fairly slow. Kardia indicates no irregular rhythm and shows as normal. If I place my hand over the heart there is no vibration at all. Anyone have any ideas? It doesn’t seem like flutter as, presumably, this would affect he heartbeat (and show on Kardia).

2 Replies
BobbyGee profile image

I'm sure I've felt the same sensation (fairly rapid fluttering/quivering) while a normal pulse can also be detected. An afternoon nap can often be a trigger. The quivering seems to stop on waking up.

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to BobbyGee


I am having a similar issue. I'm still waiting for further intervention but my EP says I have Atypical flutter/ tachycardia. This means that my atria is in flutter/tach but my ventricle is in sinus rhythm....hence the 'normal' ecg.its awful as I feel so ill but Kardiashows normal so feel im going crazy.

Good news is I can function as the flutter is not reaching the ventricles ( my rate used to be in the late 180s) But I feel I generally unwell and the quivering and odd feelings are still there. I am on the waiting list for another ablation which hopefully will ease the symptoms. My EP could diagnose this by a 'normal' Kardia reading I sent him x

I'm not saying this is what your issue is but may be worth looking into. Xxoxx

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