PACs/Skipped beats post ablation - Atrial Fibrillati...

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PACs/Skipped beats post ablation

moodyticker profile image
26 Replies

Hi, I've just had an ablation for ectopics/PACs about 6 weeks ago. Was told that the procedure went well. However, 6 weeks into recovery, ive been getting ectopics/PACs every other day if not everyday. Sometimes i would get into an episode of PACs lasting around 30 seconds - 1 minute, especially when i do light exercise (skipping rope and light jogging). I can barely get my heart rate up to 130 bpm without it skipping all over the place. In fact, I may be feeling even worse off than before the ablation. Not sure if this is part of the healing process or maybe the ablated focuses have reconnected and continued to conduct electricity.

Has anyone had similar experiences with recovery from an ablation for PACs and whether the PACs will eventually settle down? I've also been told that in the case of an ablation for ectopic beats, you should be symptom free 2 weeks after the ablation. Any advise from anyone with similar experiences are very much appreciated because TBH, Im getting rather flustered with the way things are and i'm running out of ideas on what I should think or do. Cheers!

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moodyticker profile image
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26 Replies
Padayn01 profile image

I haven’t had an abalation for PVC/Ectopics but have had an abalation for AF and recovery for me was around 13 months during that recovery I got Ectopics for 3 months non stop, so I think 6 weeks is still early in your recovery

moodyticker profile image
moodyticker in reply to Padayn01

Thank you so much for your reply. Yup your ablation was for a different arrhythmia but nonetheless, I really do appreciate and acknowledge the tip that it may take some time to recover from the burns itself and for the heart to heal. It’s always nice to be able to share and exchange experiences with other cardiac ablatees!

All the best from me and also I hope you’ve been doing well and AF free since your ablation!

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to moodyticker

Please let us know how your recover goes

moodyticker profile image
moodyticker in reply to Padayn01

Of course! ✌️

BobD profile image

Here in UK and Europe it is very rare for an EP to try and ablate for ectopics so you are very much unusual in my experience. I would , however, say that six weeks is very early in your recovery process so things may well imporove. Don't forget the slow deep breathing exercise which often helps so much with ectopic activity and don't push yourself so hard. You must be able to exercise and talk normally at the same time for quite some time yet.

moodyticker profile image
moodyticker in reply to BobD

Thanks for your prompt reply! Yes its rather unconventional to try to do an ablation for ectopics.

Truth is, I did a first ablation for SVTs a few years ago. However, I’ve since developed a lot of ectopics which I’m told could potentially degenerate into AF. In fact, a recent stress test did capture wot seemed to be AF but could also be motion artifacts. My specialist suggested an EP study to confirm the AF and ablate if it indeed was AF.

They aggressively tried to induce the AF during the procedure but to no avail. Nothing but PACs surfaced, thereby prompting the EP to chase and to ablate the ectopic focuses instead, only to bring me here, 6 weeks after the ablation, still suffering from bouts of ectopics every other day.

Your words have been encouraging and Yes, i do hope that I’m still in the recovery phase and that the ectopics will get less and less with time. It’s been a tough journey for me, I used to be a triathlete but no longer race due to these arythmmias. Lord knows wot I’d give to be able to race again. Thanks for the advise BobD! Truly appreciate the advice yeh.

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to moodyticker

Ah a prime candidate for arrhythmias then matched only by fast jet military pilots. Over work your heart and it objects. Simples.

moodyticker profile image
moodyticker in reply to BobD

do u really reckon tho? Endurance athletes and arrhythmias?

I have read about fighter pilots being predisposed tho. Literally a ”highway to the danger zone”. Pardon the Top Gun reference. Cheers Bob!

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to moodyticker

Obsolutely. There is plenty of evidence on this. Strangely professional athletes who retire say mid 30s and de train are less likely to suffer than the part time athletes who carry on till the bitter end into the forties and fifties. Cyclists are usually the worst offenders. Luckily I gave up serious road racing when I discovered girls and cars and not necessarily in that order.

moodyticker profile image
moodyticker in reply to BobD

I hear girls can do quite a bit of damage to the heart too.

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to moodyticker

A really quick lap of the old Silverstone was pretty hard on the heart I can tell you.

moodyticker profile image
moodyticker in reply to BobD


Rd321 profile image
Rd321 in reply to BobD

I’d agree with that . I am an ex athlete and raced til I was 52 . Had terrible trouble with Paroxysmal A F . Now 4 weeks post ablation and had PACs all day . Really wished I’d knocked about with you !

KMRobbo profile image
KMRobbo in reply to moodyticker

Look up Dr John Mandrola, he is an EP but is/ was also a cyclist. He sees things from both sides .

Lots of stuff on his site, but I have never looked for ectopics .

He also has a book called The haywire heart. ( I have not actually read it - my afib was certainly not caused by exercise ).

I am 2 years 10 months Post ablation, but I still get ectopics sometimes for long periods , but can do weeks and weeks without any. My strategy is to ignore them and not worry as my theory as serious worrying about them causes stress which releases adrenaline which causes more heart issues. Not medically trained but it seems to work! I should say I am believing that my ectopics are not dangerous. On my 12 month post ablation I discussed with my EP and he was not concerned.

moodyticker profile image
moodyticker in reply to KMRobbo

Thanks for the recommendation on dr John mandrola robbo! Will have a read.

Yes i have been told that ectopics are more troublesome than anything else. I do wish u all the best with ur heart and that u continue to stay AF free. Will try to ignore my ectopics as well and get on with life, although this is really easier said than done. Cheers!

Shcldavies profile image

Reducing sugar intake helped after my ablation for MAT/Afl. Still cannot take too much sugar before the ectopics start.

moodyticker profile image
moodyticker in reply to Shcldavies

yeah I hear there are a lot of potential triggers. Alcohol, chocolate, exercise.

my ectopics react primarily to exercise, or the recovery from it. I've read that its something to do with the high levels of adrenaline while the heart rate decreases, allowing for ectopics to sneak in between beats.

do you just ignore the ectopics when they appear? Im struggling with this.


greg35 profile image

Yes I had 2 ablations for ectopics didnt work Im now on flecanide and nebivolol consultant said doesnt really work for ectopics?

moodyticker profile image
moodyticker in reply to greg35

Sorry to hear Greg. How long ago did u do the ablation? Are the symptoms well controlled with the Flecanide and beta blocker?

Leeson profile image

I have had two ablations for ectopics and unfortunately neither worked, in fact in my heart I think they made it worse, so I am sorry, it didn't work for me, I hope that after your recovery it has helped you, but you definitely need to give it a few months to heal, and just take it easy, just to allow it all to settle down...good luck

moodyticker profile image
moodyticker in reply to Leeson

Hey Leeson, I’m sorry the ablation didn’t work for u. How long ago was your ablation? Maybe some meds may help with the symptoms? I’ve been told ectopics aren’t too big of a problem in themselves, but of course, the propensity for them to degenerate into something more sinister is a risk worth paying attention to.

Thanks for your encouraging words, however, I’m honest, I’m not too optimistic about my situation as well.

Leeson profile image
Leeson in reply to moodyticker

First ablation was June 2018, last one was Jan 2020, wanted to get off tablet's for ectopic beats but unfortunately still taking the neds, maybe getting too old for a third go, just accepting it is what it us.....

moodyticker profile image
moodyticker in reply to Leeson

Nah, never too old to seek treatment! of course u have to weigh out the risks as well. But hey, if the meds work at controlling the symptoms, maybe no point doing another ablation. My EP guy says to try meds first and only to consider another ablation if all else fails. Remember that scar tissue formed from the ablation can be arrythmogenic as well, so something to consider, last thing u want is to go into atrial flutter due to extensive burns.

greg35 profile image

Yes I think it made the problem worse now I have severe pain with each ectopic have seen 3 EPs and no one knows or have ever heard of this its a constant worry so now any heavy housework or shocks will bring on pain!

moodyticker profile image

Oh no!!! Sorry to hear Greg. I really hope u are able to find some answers as to the pain. I’ve definitely never heard/read of ectopics accompanied by pain. Also, where exactly does it hurt?

StormRNNR profile image

I seem to be in a similar boat. I’m 36, female, and a life long distance runner. (Typically averaging 7 miles a day 5-6 days a week.) Beginning of January I started to have a racing heart and skipped beats. Long story short, I had an ablation for Atrial Tachycardia and AFib about three and a half weeks ago. I have a family history of lone Afib, which seems to be my diagnosis. When I fall asleep right as a I dose off I get PACs and go into what feels like Afib for about 10-15seconds and then it goes away. My EP has ordered a 48 hour monitor for me, but I’m very frustrated and worried this will never go away. My EP was great, very experienced and confident. My symptoms only occurs when drifting off to sleep. I went running for the first time post ablation yesterday and felt fine. Kept the distance down to four miles at an easy pace but heart seemed normal. I don’t want to fight this for the rest of my life. I know it’s early but I’m trying not to give up hope. If I get any encouraging news that may be helpful I will share.

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