Hello to all you wonderful people I do hope you are all keeping well and safe. I just wanted to let you know how my recovery 'journey' is progressing.
Unfortunately as I have already posted, for a while now I have been having problems with my blood pressure dropping very low and feeling as if I am about to pass out. This has been having a major impact on my QOL and greatly limiting my ability to go out and about, and have some sort of life within the current limitations we are all having to endure.
My GP said I was just 'over thinking' stuff !, but thankfully once I managed to contact my EP and following a further 24hr holter and BP monitoring he told me that all the results looked normal and that I was in NSR, so advised me to stop taking my maintenance dose of Flecainide ( 50mgs x2 daily), and to email him the outcomes in 10 days time.
Well four days ago I did as advised, stopped the Flec, On day two after stopping the medication I felt wonderful, was able to go out, walked for over half an hour, went for a drive, it was freedom at last!!😁 Then out of the blue on Saturday, yes you have guessed it , bam AF episode big time!! So no worries thought I - took PIP Flec and sat down to wait for it to work its magic- ten hours later and after taking 200mgs of Flec I thought, Shirley you need to get some help- called 999 emergency ambulance arrived, off to A&E in the wee small hours of Sunday morning (0200). Was informed by the medics on arrival at hospital that I was not in AF but was in atrial flutter- was then given 100mgs Flec IV, this made me feel absolutely terrible, but made no difference to my HR still in flutter banging away at over 200BPM. So was admitted to CCU- further waiting and eventually underwent cardioversion 12 and a half hours later!!
Bruising and burns on my chest but thankfully now back in normal sinus rhythm. Was told by a very energetic young nurse, 'well now love thats all done, you can go home'. No, another 8 hours of waiting for my discharge letter and new medication.
I was very politely informed by the cardiologist 'on take at the weekend' - I am now to have another ablation on the other atrium to 'sort out the flutter, we will let your EP know '. I have now been told to only take Flec as a PIP and have been prescribed Bisoprolol 2.5mg- 'to help with your heart rate but you might find it could make you feel dizzy and feel faint so don't drive if that happens'🤣 !!!!!!!!
I know our dear NHS is under pressure, and they do try there hardest to make us feel better, but boy oh boy my last few days have certainly added to my 'Ablation Journey'. Have sent my EP an email outlining the 'events', will wait and see what happens now!!.
Thank you all for reading so far, sorry such a very long post, but this has all knocked my confidence again a bit and as I live alone I just really needed to let off a bit of steam. Feeling very sore, and tired today, and feeling dizzy as expected after taking the Bisoprolol.
Oh kind people, what do I do!!
Shirley xx