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Skipped beats post catheter ablation for wpw syndrome

saneer_gera profile image
4 Replies

I had ablation for wpw syndrome in month of July . I started experiencing symptoms in January when I observed my heart rate what climbing even with light movement . After ablation 1 month was fun I was very happy .My heart was calm and I could do my old activities then in month of august I started having some wired beats .dr did holter there were 300 pacs and 90 pause he said nothing to worry just ignore it .I am super anxious person and have bad health anxiety my only question is will they be better ever .I heard heart is inflamed and all that but what is your experience after a year or two of ablation because I have this fear all time now my heart is going to stop .I had holter before this ablation and it said that I have 13 pac and no pvc and now I have 300 pac/1-2 pvc .Please guide

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4 Replies
BobD profile image

Since nobody else has replied I will just mention that ectopic beats are common post ablation but should fade after a few months. They are benign by the way although can be alarming.

KMRobbo profile image

Hi , i know nothing anout wpw syndrome, but in had an ablation for afib and an ablation for A flutter Feb 2018. I still get ectopics.

My EP also said ignore them and I do. The more inignore them the less i feel them . I sometimes get runs for days which originally worried me , but 2.5 years later they don't now. If they are frequent "missed beats" they can be irritating but I just focus on some thing else. Time makes this easier. As I write this I can't remember having any for several weeks. I may just not have noticed.

I am not medically trained , but I understand that EVERYONE has ectopics. Unless you have had a heart problem they are normal to you and not noticed. We people with arhythmias get super sensitive and notice every imperfection . At my worst I could HEAR my heart beat esp when I went to bed . Any missed beat grabbed my attention and kept me awake worrying was I going into an AFIB episode. I have (mostly) got over that, and it is because I do not worry anymore.

MY VIEW is that worry causes or at least exaggerates the problem.

The "fight or flight" response to a threat prepares your heart to either fight the danger you have identified or to run away from it. It pumps your heart full of hormones for this. Useful if the threat is a wolf, not useful, in fact quite the opposite, if the perceived threat is something to do with your own heart. All the adrenaline excites your heart further , increased pulse rate for example. If your heart is already mis behaving it will feel worse.

You can't run away from your own heart!

If your EP or cardiologist has examined your missed beats and told you not to worry then DONT WORRY!

If you get them and you start to worry, do some exercise like going for a walk if you can and think if some thing else whilst doing it.

Best wishes

Cheesekun profile image

How are things now 4 months on?

JAXDC1 profile image

Hey, I have recently been treated for something similar and would love to get your insight into how you are doing now? I too am experiencing the ectopics and would appreciate a heads up on what to expect. Thanks

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