Woke feeling hot and needing to urinate- felt heart had gone crazy so checked with Kardia and AF confirmed but 2xflec 50mg and a 1.25mg bisoprolol and back to normal just over an hour later-
Episode over!: Woke feeling hot and... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Episode over!
Good to hear! Good old Flec n Biso..xx
Yes, great as PIP but haven't found a dose that prevents episodes and they are happening more often- what works for you? Even 1.25 mg of the biso was too much to take daily as brought my heart rate down too low!! And flec taken regularly didn't prevent episodes and I feel quite exhausted by it all!!

Yes thats what happened to me, beta blocker 2.5 was bringing my heart rate down to low 40s and the flec wasnt really working, i called the cardio who basically said the meds have stopped working for me and i am on the list for a PVA (Cryoblation). It could be months or more but i will just have to be patient. I am sure you can still trial and error a few more meds and see what works best for you.
It was the 1.25 mg that proved too much for me after only three days! The doctor hadn't even arranged a follow up appointment when she prescribed the drugs and I insisted on the lowest dose but the pharmacist was concerned and so I went to him and he took my pulse and told me to stop taking the stuff at once! When will they start treating us as individuals? Hope your procedure goes well- I have no confidence in the guys in our area, sadly.
Hi SandiBee, I have just came across your message. After having another arrythmia attack which lasted longer than usual i am going through all the usual tests, again. ECG ok but it would be unless it was taken during an attack. Next will be 24 hr Holter. I only on 25mg of Atenolol with no side effects which does not stop my attacks but makes them less severe. I am just wondering, although i know these attacks vary from person to person, but does the Flec stop an arrythmia attack when it in progress? I am of similar age to you and otherwise fit and healthy. Linda
Yes taking 100mg flecainide sometimes with a biso 1.25 or two stops episodes within 2 hours, sometimes far less and very occasionally 4 hours or 5 but we are all different- Having a Kardia helps to check things. Hope that's useful and hope you find what works for you!

Thanks SandiBee....am waiting for my Cardiology appointment so hopefully all goes well. Take care Linda