2 weeks in on having my pacemaker fitted , all going well so far and on the whole I feel better for it , the first week I felt quite depressed I have to say , but this last few days I have been much much better . My question is if anyone knows what the hard glue stuff is covering my wound and just above it ...how do I get it off or does it just go on it’s own I had my first bath today which was absolutely bliss , I have been showering but my shower is powerful so kept my wound away ...not had any word about a follow up appointment or when I’m getting my AV node ablation...but it’s early days ....hope you are all well and keeping safe ...😊😊
Pacemaker : 2 weeks in on having my... - Atrial Fibrillati...

I assume it will be glue? Have got stitches? I had stitches & nothing as you describe. If it is a type of glue I think it will be absorbed but best ring the hospital and check. Could be some sort of anti-infection adhesive? I wouldn’t rub away at it until you know. You’d have thought they would have given you follow up info/advice?!
It’ll be +6 weeks - PM check - are you home monitored or have an app or will you need to go in to PM clinic? They are very good in my experience. Once they are sure wound has healed, no infection & PM working welll they will schedule the AV node ablation.
Best wishes CD
Thanks for that . I got dissolving stitches but when the dressing came off I noticed some sort of thing covered the wound . It’s like a clear adhesive, not home monitored I will need to wait an appointment coming in to go to a clinic . The wound is healing nicely . But this stuff is hard now , like a crust , I won’t pick at it . Will wait n see if goes on it’s own ...it’s only 2 weeks ...thank you ...
I once had a glue on a finger wound that would not stop bleeding. It was purple. I just left It on until it fell off naturally .
I also had glue on a head wound when my then 8 year old slammed the hatchback of the car on my head ."helping" me unload the shopping (and wow did that bleed ) . I could not see that so no idea of the colour! Great stuff for closing wounds though!
I just left that to fall off too
Best wishes
It is surgical glue and it will come off when it's ready, just don't pick at it ! I had it when I had my pacemaker fitted and I've also got it now after another op 3 weeks ago, it does become very hard and gradually flakes off.
I had the glue when I got my pacemaker. It takes at least a couple of weeks (might have been longer) for the glue to dissolve completely. I was told to just leave it alone and let it come off by itself.