Hello. I just had a cardiac ablation yesterday for SVT. They said I had 2 nodes and pathways and that they found the circuit and ablated it and considered it successful. Since getting home I’m getting almost constant flutters and palpitations. (Pre-procedure they were induced by running/jumping/swimming/heat) Now its pretty constant but not as severe. Will this go away, just part of healing? Has anyone else experienced this?
Post ablation palpitations? - Atrial Fibrillati...
Post ablation palpitations?

It's very early days and you have to remember your heart has been through a major trauma and it's going to take time to settle. Anything futtery/palpitations/AF episodes in the first 3-6 months after an ablation can be attributed to the ablation and doesn't always mean that the ablation therapy has been a failure.
You are going to have a scarred and bruised heart but they tend to settle in time. Just take care of it!
Thanks! They said based on what they found and ablated that it was successful but it is scary when I’m feeling more flutters and palpitations more constant as before I could go days without triggering them 😕 hopefully it’s clears up as it heals.
Hello @jedimasterlincoln, read your reply above and I thought it was really encouraging.
I just had and ablation for PACs close to 6 weeks ago. But since until now I’m still getting PACs when I try to exercise. Can’t even hit 130 bpm without my heart getting into a episode of PACs. Wonder if this too is part of the healing process or if the ablation has failed. Any advise on this would be very much appreciated.

read our fact sheet on Recovering from ablation heartrhythmalliance.org/res...
Early days, they may pass or you may be like me and still have palpations 3.5 years after my ablation (still no AF though)

Yikes really? Is it better or worse or the same? Did they not try and schedule for a second procedure? It’s really psyching my out that it’s so constant as opposed to pre-procedure it had to be triggered from hot water or physical activity.
Very little that can be done for palpations as far as I know, and I'm not in AF.
Everyone has ectopics, just most people don't feel them like us AFers do.
I have good days and bad days

Nice helpful reply.
I had my cryoablation 5 weeks ago and feel my heart stronger/pounding more than before. Also a few strong palps which I didn’t have before. Does your head a bit!! No Af hits but the anxiety is a bugger as praying that the Af is gone.
Hi Rod, AF is an absolute bugger, even when it's gone you expect it to come back. It was worse just after I had my ablation, but even now I expect it to return and you are right, that anxiety is horrible.
Don't forget that 5 weeks is really early days. Your heart is still angry with you, you put it through a lot so be kind to it and don't expect too much too soon.
It took me 3 months before my heart rate started to return to normal and to feel like I had some energy!
It took 9 months before I really started to feel normal.
Again, take it easy, don't push it. The good work you do now will give you a better long term result
Yes I had the same after both ablations but it settled after a while. It was so disheartening. So please don't despair.
First time after my simpler PVI ablation I had a 10 days stretch of AF then weekly bouts for a couple of months. Then was in sinus for 6 whole months.
I had a second more complex ablation and after that had four months of really bad AF three or four times a week . I was convinced it had failed. But then everything suddenly settled and I only get AF occasionally for shorter periods now and with a much slower rhythm. It is far more bearable. I am still on Flecainide though. But it works now whereas before the ablations it didn't work so well.
You may not need a second ablation. I was in persistent AF and that is harder to treat. Courage - and best wishes.
Yea, The times I have for the ablations being successful is 8-10 weeks. After this they may do another. Good Luck.
Many posts out there suggest a blanking period of 3 months- and this means unless situation is dire no further ablation. I was fine for a fortnight after ablation but now in major flutter - fortunately hospital have been able to schedule a cardioversion which will be 11 weeks after ablation .Outcomes from cardioversion for flutter look betterthan for AF
Hi, this sounds like my recovery and is pretty normal. Expect this to happen for a while it’s part of the healing process. You will have good days and bad (like a run of say 5 days with nothing then bang it comes back again)!
I’m almost 7 months post ablation and it’s only just starting to settle down.
Good luck with your recovery.
Hi. I had an ablation for Svt too and it takes a very long time to fully recover. For a year after I had fast heart rates and flutters, so much so I was taken to A&e with a heart rate of 140 (no where near as high as when I had my svt attacks which were around 260). I’ve since had a loop recorder fitted and have only had around three runs of fast heart rate for around 5 minutes. So all in all, it’s looking good. My ablation was a couple of years ago now. Please don’t worry too much. It’s all quite normal as your hearts been through a lot and needs lots and lots of rest. Keep us posted and hope you feel loads better soon x
I should have had an ablation for SVT yesterday at Barts, I decided to wait until coronavirus has ended. I,ve not had an attack for 11 months and read about the ectopics and palpitations afterwards, it scares me!